
Implement two-factor authentication.

How long before government and big business are in complete control of the internet? That is, if they don't like what's on your server, your ISP removes you, no questions asked. If on a server outside the country and the ISP won't comply, their IPs are blacklisted.

He did put Macho Man in at the end. Save the best for last.

Dennis: What are your dislikes?

It's cool, I hacked my 3DS so it's actually a SNES.

That. Was. Amazing.

That's sexist! She's more than just a bag carrier!

So the Apple Watch will be a big hit, then?

Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world to live in.

Because artists are a dime a dozen.

That was just awful, awful defense.

That may be true, but his lawyer will keep making money, so he pushes on.

that wouldn't change the fact that they're both owls who play at night.

I pirated the movie Goldeneye on dialup (NetZero). It took almost a month (could only hog the phone line for a few hours before parents got angry).

I pirate tons of games. Would I have bought them all? No. Would I have bought this particular game? Yes.

I will pirate the game when it comes out. I would most certainly have bought it otherwise. So add 60 bucks to "money lost to pirating".

So did that camera man know what was going on? He could have taken a liner off the back of his head...

Oh thank god.

PC as well, or delayed release?

I think she should be fighting men.