
The problem is the league is too watered down. Get rid of half the teams and you'd see good basketball every night.

Was Geno right behind Vick crying?

It's hard enough to make it as a guy in journalism without Obama ignoring us! #Meninism

XIII is on PC now. Please tell me they'll port this to PC as well.

Found by his brothers, Vout and Vcc.

What if he had taken the kid? Were you willing to take that risk?

Nothing about torrents?

+1 per hour

Godwin's Law and only 10 replies so far! Well done!

Hideo Kojima disagrees.

You're an outlier. If it was Roseanne doing it would it be as popular? No.

Pretty certain the people who like this are turned on sexually.

It was ok, the video itself dragged on. Could do without a music video, just show it off and talk about it. Would take half the time and I'll learn more about it.

Starship Troopers is a masterpiece. Military satire. If you hate it then you just didn't get it.

New as in new to Smash.

Palutena, Goddess of Light. She's a new character from the Kid Icarus series. if they met two years ago a 14-16 year old boy was keeping in touch with a 9-11 year old? Presumably romantically? WTF

Because the Heisman is a popularity contest, duh. QBs win because it's the most popular position, and the flashiest QB wins.

It was her ex, so we already know that part of the equation. It is generally poor form to hangout with your ex a lot while you start dating a new guy, and telling that guy your ex is more important than they are.