
I chose this Smash Bros. character as my user icon.

Durr what is this fake news why is there so much Trump in Gizmodo you snowflakes need to get used to it he’s president now you guys never posted this much about Obama her emails are still worse than everything I love Russia.

If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.

I think these were partisan facts.

only the president gets to shitpost. of those tiny midget horses. With tiny hooves. And an orangish wispy mane.

Unprofessional and damage to institutions is 100% who just got sworn in today, so your high horse is actually one of those tiny midget horses. With tiny hooves. And an orangish wispy mane.

Comparing crowds on property that is managed by the NPS is NOT a “shitpost”. Trumplethinskin strikes again.

I didn’t like the fact that you just stayed in your ship most of the time.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.