
deleted duplicate post

I suggest that you take the 10 minutes required to log into your account and set up auto pay rather than spend another 30 minutes+ arguing in a tech blog.

Wüsthof is the pinnacle if you want balance, durability, and longevity. Global are nice for thin lightweight asian style.

I remember when the first iPhone came out everyone though it was a brick (compared to all the clamshells and mini candybars). Now it is small er than all of it's competitors. I think they can add a little surface area with no backlash and a bigger screen.

I know this is somewhat delayed, but could you send me an invite? nathanschonhoff [at] gmail [dot] com. I'd be happy to keep passing along.

I think Facebook is working on their HTML 5 version. They idea being that they want to break away from developing so many different apps on so many different platforms. If every company starts also making a tablet, Facebook will have quite a bit of overhead to maintain all toss versions (segments). This way they could


This is likely Apple propaganda/rumors. I wouldn't doubt it if Apple is trying to scare Samsung with rumors of alternative part vendors. I do recall a pending lawsuit between Apple and Samsung. If I were apple, I would start rumors about the use of new manufacturers so that Samsung caves in their countersuit. I know

@The Lab: That was going to my exact statement. I'm getting conflicting messages from the author...

The problem isn't that they were lip syncing, it was that they won Grammys on false pretense. You don't see Ashley Simpson winning a Grammy.

This is obviously for the benefit of Apple (Synergy or gathering market information) rather than benefitting Apple's customer base. But, maybe I'm underestimating the teenagers and facebook addicts that post everything they get their hands on.

@Łukasz Volpino: I agree, bad analogy. A better analogy would be if Mercedes gave free AAA when your car breaks down.