
Stay away from Todd Solondz's latest…

I'm not sure what MGM owns of "Ben Hur" at this point, but they don't own the movie itself. All of MGM's pre-1986 library is owned by Ted Turner, with some exceptions (UA's library, Orion, Cannon Group).

Nabin, when the memes fell.

Jesus Christ Superstar, Company, Candide, Cabaret, Fun Home. Fucking FUN HOME.

They were meant to be indeterminate in era.

Not only is it somebody's job but that somebody was nominated for a Tony, only to lose it to rapping Thomas Jefferson.

Batlexander Manilton begs to differ!

So no Bono/Edge tie-in possibility, huh? Or anyone worrying about how many bars to give the soprano?

Or Redmond Barry of Barryville.

Nah you have it slightly off— 95% of Reddit is cool, and 95% is fucking horrible, these aren't mutually exclusive for most people.

Mel Brooks = Sausage Party + time.

Shoulda been Piven.

Only on Eminiar VII.

Panos Cosmatos FTW.

Buy a ticket for this and then walk into Suicide Squad. Then everyone gets what they deserve.

Heard on set a lot: "Hey Kristen, as you're walking to the door do something funny! Just throw it in!"

I'VE SEEN C-3PO's SHOULDER GLEAM ON ORION. Or something like that.

I think it's remarkable that 3PO can watch his brethren die horribly, and then scavenge their carcasses for spare parts, and still basically be his bland cheerful self afterwards. Sorta suggests he might be a sociopath or have some sort of blunted affect.

It's not that it didn't look impressive, drone shots look great. It's that I used to assume all ariel photography was expensive, which it no longer is (and frankly it's getting crazy overused already).