
Looks up her Emergency! episode… Oh she was one of the wives of the polygamist who's revealed when he has an accident and both his wives show up at Rampart.


$400. They still have some.

Are you kidding? The Jony Greenberg ondes martenot tracks didn't do it for you?

No discussion along these lines is complete without RedLetterMedia's takedown of Jack and Jill, and late Sandlerism generally.


Also the entire juvenile cast of That 70s Show, save Mila Kunis (it was Danny Masterson or Topher Grace that got everyone into it, I forget which). Mrs. Danny Masterson, Bijou Philips is one. Jason Lee recruited most of the cast of My Name is Earl into scientology, including Jaime Pressly. Also Nancy Cartwright, the

"I don't want to see all of Star Wars taking place on Tatooine, and have the battles be right over a lake, or something."

They took an mannered and over-stylized J. J. Abrams shot and made it look like it belongs in a Star Wars movie. The only thing now is to remove the pointless lens flares.

Harry Plinkett voice: "It's one of those lightsabers that's… like three lightsabers…"

They did this for David Lynch's Dune. So you got that :)

I'm not going to give you a defense of my taste, just my point is that his detractors' merits are not limited to it being "popular to hate on him because his films are so popular with young people." It's not quite that simple.

"His movies take place in a sort of heightened reality where everyone speaks in brooding, serious monologues. And I think that's rad. It fits his visual style. I also think his films are more cerebral than people give him credit for. There's a lot to be mined from Inception and the Prestige, I think."

"Neither Matt Stone nor Trey Parker has reason nor requirement to back what they say. All they have to do is make you laugh. If you're not laughing, they have failed. Also if you're not laughing, then it begs the question why you are watching."

"Your comment is steeped in political bias and predetermined ideology. "

I'm really not sure if it's because or in spite of. It can be a funny show and still completely obvious, but this is why T&M don't actually drill down into this sort of thing. South Park is not a comedy of manners, nor does it reach for some kind of transcendent Lenny Bruce/Curb Your Enthusiasm observational humor.

"The characters mostly just restated your friend’s late-night status about how taxis could save themselves if they only tried and how Uber is some Darwinian theory of the marketplace coming to bore."

And "Fury," but we still have long way to go before we get to Peter Boyle's "Joe", which is your Angry White man urtext.

I'm not following along with these episodes as they're reviewed, but I watched the whole series last summer. I remember this last arc felt extremely rushed, like they got all these plates spinning and now they just had to push them all to resolution.

Not necessarily. A parent or legal guardian who transports a child for such a purpose would probably also be liable under the statute.
By iPhone/Par iPhone