
I'm just sayin', Quark's a greedy capitalist.

"I'd do Boer. Yeah, I said it."

We go to the home planet and see the swamp where all the slugs live, and the weird priestly-types who watch over them, can't ask too much more than that.

"I remember reading that Michael Piller saw what they did with Ezri and wished he had written Dax like that from the start."

Trill have races, it's just not a skin color thing. Some Trill have skull ridges (all Trill on TNG look like this), while some Trill just have sekhsy spots (all Trill on DS9 look like this).

I remember in "Disaster" Troi's stuck on the bridge with Ro Laren and O'Brien, and Laren immediately starts taking charge when CPO O'Brien, who must suffer, points out that Troi— "technically", mind you — carries the rank of Lieutenant Commander, the look on Ro's face is that of utter incredulousness. Later Ro is

"They never had McCoy suddenly jumping to the helm to replace Chekov, at least. "

On the fifth day of Gratitude Festival my true love gave to me…

It's all just marking time for T'Pal, amirite?

Siddig al Fadil called, he finds your Darker-Than-A-Grocery-Bag-ism quite disturbing.

I guess we're not counting Quark as American…

As it is, seasons 1 and 2 of TNG, the "Beardless TNG" if you will, might as well be a parallel universe.

As long as Obama keeps locking up the copyright violators I'm happy! :)

I have it on relatively good authority, but he and his people are rigorous about keeping it out of the press.

You should take the official Paramount tour, it's actually quite good, even if it's like $50 a pop.

Manny Coto was hired after the fatwa and he'd clearly seen far too much TOS, this story sounds somewhat apocryphal. I got into the business in 1999 and I knew some people that had worked on TNG and DS9 in technical jobs (at least as high up, and as sensitive to leaks, as a PA or visual effects artist), and they were

…and a rapid-aging virus.

We never claimed the Americas were our territory, as originally formulated, it meant that we would forbid European nations from collecting up new Amercan states within their spheres of influence. Monroe was primarily motivated by the desire to prevent the royal houses of Europe from creating dynastic, anti-republican