
I don't know, after reading through the comments and walking the dogs I'm less enthusiastic about this episode than I may have been before.

"(Robert Reed of Brady Bunch and Galactica Discovers Earth)"

"an odd thing to come up in Enterprise's finale frankly"

"The “we’ve kept under the radar for hundreds of years” bit."

His methods had become… unsound.

"he predicted partway through that Sloan was the actual Dominion-aligned traitor."

I never got the impression that Bashir was traumatized by S31, rather that he relished the challenge.

Sounds like him, doesn't it?

Of course, in a particular timeline, P/C worked just fine for many, many years. What was different was Picard's career was off the table after he retired.

"I'm guessing the writing staff realized that some viewers would know about her leaving the series and suspect a death, so it is a mild surprise to save her."

He's gonna be let down by ITPM, given how we've been hyping it for nearly a year now.

"So why isn’t it standard policy not to allow married couples to team up on dangerous assignments? "

It's Rank-And-Yank promotion. We don't accept that 90% of the films are garbage, we declare that 90% of the films are garbage.

"a frenetic whirlwind of quick cuts and random angles that makes Michael Bay look like Michael Powell"

This is the first one I've seen since they restarted the season, the break made me lose track.

Martok's recitation of 2309's virtues were so repetitive and pedantic that a google search of "blood wine vintage" gave me that year on the first hit.

Uhura and Chekov? Kirk was their friend, they both knew David, Chekov saw David's body with a big knife wound in his chest. Both had been nearly killed by Klingons numerous times.

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus We'll ew go to ware Ocean Park ends at Main street and meet me at the Urth Cafe.  Avoid The Ten freeway because of the Sig alert.

Hey it worked for Zach Braff…

HBO Go my friend.