
Failure to deliver a Blue Letter is grounds for termination…. TOUGH TITTY TOENAILS! That'll show the bastard!

"You know, for kids!"

"You know, for kids!"

Even setting aside this reason, if you read the book it is actually repeated pedantically, several times, in italics by Yueh in dialogue and in Leto's memory.  It's one of the few parts of the movie we can legitimately ding Lynch for being too faithful.

I'm reading this now in the context of News Night and now Alex Pareene's epic takedown.

His wife died tragically in a skiing accident, and since 2009, you have been watching him work through a fit of despair.

Show "Battle: Los Angeles" some respect.  A dumb alien invasion movie is one thing, but at least Neal Moritz had the balls to make a dumb alien invasion movie without seeking the cover of some 70s toy to cobrand with.

Her hair is so big, her fat suit so large (it was a suit, right?), and her accent so Lon-Gailand-y, I kept expecting her to walk onto the set and say "What a dump!  George, who said that?"

They are not, but you get to see her attempt to have sex on a ceiling and attempt to maintain an American accent for two hours.

Wellman was an infamous practical joker — he and Carole Lombard once conspired to have him wheeled onto set one day in a straight-jacket a la "Silence of the Lambs." The James Cagney grapefruit-in-the-face bit is another invention of his, and he'd often goad actors into playing tricks on each other, it's quite

Jason Lively, of course, earns a reprieve from Movie Infamy due to his appearance in Fred Dekker's "Night of the Creeps".

The movie where Vilos Cohaagen from "Total Recall" is hunted for sport by the prudish mayor from "Pleasantville"

In Brazil…

The movie sucks because American political activist filmmakers are generally lazy, conservative ones particularly so.

"Although I am not myself conservative, I do understand that they are somewhat underrepresented  in Hollywood"

As bad as this sounds, I'll be this film is at least shot better and has better VFX than Twilight

Ya wonder why Tyler Perry doesn't return anybody in Hollywood's calls…

I thought Kirk Douglas and Stanley Kubrick broke the blacklist when they announced Dalton Trumbo wrote "Spartacus"

Pretty awesome, huh?