
Todd, I think the real issue is that while you and Drinky Crow might be watching the show differently, his comment was thoughtful and clearly engaged with the show's story and characters, whereas your review was mostly about the AMC network, with the actual content of the show dismissed in a few glib lines. There's

"In True Detective, the world itself is the crime"

I haven't been particularly impressed by Kristen Stewart's acting that I've seen, but I'm always on her side against the joviality fascists who go insane with rage at the idea of a young actress being photographed not smiling. Maybe she's genuinely unhappy, maybe it's just her face, why does it matter so much to you?

Comedy Central actually makes pretty good shows now. Review, Nathan For You, Broad City. Your snark is outdated.

I don't think anyone said Varys was justified, just that he was doing what he always does. I personally think he's one of the most unlikable characters, but I can see how people like him. He's at least not an idiot, and isn't just evil for the sake of it.

Your logic doesn't make sense. You don't support murder as revenge for jilting, but you do support being mean. However, if you are coerced into helping murder your ex who jilted you, you then no longer have license to be mean. That's just piling on. "I'm sorry honey, I'm only murdering you to save my own skin, but

In that trailer the guy just seems like a bad actor. The conception of the character is pretty much right, but he just seems out of his depth. And cool is a hard thing for any actor to play, you kind of have to just be cool.

I'd honestly rather not have a sixth season of Community if Dan Harmon's attentions being divided would mean a poor quality season 2 of Rick and Morty. This could all be for the best.

New Girl's the only show that's managed to make a running gag out of having a poorly developed character. I don't think they can pull that trick twice with Coach though, people will get wise.

I bet you also think The Monkees are as good as the Beatles.

I was going to use the Camp review as an example of why Pitchfork aren't that bad. They'll actually tear a shit album apart, rather than hedging their bets, even when it comes from a beloved sitcom star and there's a lot of pressure to pretend it's not terrible. They were very prescient in realising how much Donald

Yeah, babies on tv suck because they're boring, but this article seems mad that tv is spreading the propaganda that women are only here on earth to have babies. That's not really propaganda, everyone is only here on earth to have babies.

Always hilarious how the people on this site hear the word "woman" and immediately assume they must be privileged and white. Like the way Fox News viewers assume all black people are gang members.

How dare the reviewer have some problems with a show they've actually watched. Just regurgitate the press release damnit! You're paid to hype, not have opinions!

My money's on Cersei, definitely. Tywin has nothing to gain by poisoning Joffrey, he already had him under his thumb. And having it be any of the obvious suspects would be lame writing.

I think it's worrying that he refers to Travis's monologue as describing "run of the mill relationship troubles". How many of Dowd's exs have set him on fire that he thinks it's normal?

I thought there was going to be a joke or something at the end. All he did was end it a few minutes earlier, before the bit that everybody hated and thought should be cut. Why even bother?

Louis CK had a bit about doing a jerk off gesture too slow that was originally a Whitest Kids You Know sketch. I always really wished they'd get all indignant and accuse him of being a joke thief, because technically they'd have as much of a case as Louis did against Dane Cook, but absolutely nobody would be on their

Yeah, but somewhere in between bouts of smoking crack and setting himself on fire Richard Pryor found the time to actually do comedy. I think Dave Chappelle has to be classed as an ex-comedian at this point.

At a certain point I stopped believing in the horde of phantom frat boys who've dogged Dave Chappelle's every step and prevented him from producing any comedy in the past 10 years and came to the conclusion the guy's just a little unstable.