
The Archer reboot sounded cool, but it didn't really add anything new to the show while trying to fix some stuff that wasn't really broken. And it is the kind of thing tv critics will love because it de-constructs the medium and asks what really makes a show a show and all that, but most viewers don't give a damn

Fuck your comment for making me think there's a podcast with Lindsay from Arrested Development trying to be a DJ or something. That would be great.

You asked people why they found him annoying, someone gave you a reason personal to them, and you got all pissy. I put it to you Core Concept that you are in fact also annoying.

That was tv though. Books don't need subplots. Was she not in every scene of the movie? Close to it, anyway.

He's pretty famous for a modern novelist, I doubt on set photos from The Joyce Carol Oates Story would get over 100 comments, but yeah, his life isn't an epic waiting to be told. This feels like they wanted to adapt one of his books but it was too hard so they settled for just making a movie about him.

I'm not sure I agree with you 100% on your police work there, MachoManRandySavage.

I find it amusing how middle aged people get so pissed off by the phrase Dad-rock. It's supposed to piss you off, Dad!

You have to admire the complexity of that shitty pun though. Jo becoming ho-hum and then Mmm bop is somehow an insult. I mean, how is comparing her to Hanson, one of the most celebrated alt rock acts of the late 90s, an insult?

Oh come on, his problem clearly isn't that he hates humour and wants everything serious all the time, his problem is that Todd's version of humour isn't funny.

You don't think Kanye West knows who Lily Allen is? Say what you want about the guy, but he seems pretty up on his music.

I always thought it was "yo Harry, you're a writer, are we that tight?" And then when he says "don't believe the hype" I thought it was one of the rare self-deprecating moments in rap.

I'd say it's more making the audience laugh is only part of the job, there's gladhanding, networking, ass-kissing, and just generally being a guy people like and want to work with. Behind the scenes I'd say Fallon is one of the most popular guys in comedy. Hell, Tina Fey was instrumental in getting him Late Night, it

How long can that kind of viral stuff last though? Doesn't the novelty wear off? When every celebrity feels obliged to sing the Scooby Doo theme song or come dressed as a character they played 10 years ago doesn't it just become another version of the funny interview anecdote?

I liked that he was low key. Made a great contrast to everyone else.

So if Leno's the perfect baby boomer and Fallon's the perfect Millenial, does that make Conan the perfect Gen Xer? It does explain why he was doomed to fail, Gen X always get the shaft.

Making him a brilliant detective seems like a classic Norton move. In any movie his character always has to be the smartest, coolest character in the room (Fight Club's only half an exception). They should get Mark Ruffalo instead.

I like how few retweets and favourites all of the examples have. 2 retweets! This meme is exploding! It's taking a small circle of friends and work colleagues by storm!

It's not unfathomable, it's exactly what I was suggesting. You just confirmed that it's your own personal (most likely boring) beef.

Maron bumped you out of your spot at an open mic or something, didn't he?

Sliding from universe to universe, hoping each time that his next slide will be his slide home…