
Fineoakstructure is right, you're easily amazed if that was a holy shit moment for you. Johnny betrayed Boyd last season, and he's been trying for several episodes to kill him. It's like Raylan saying "I'm going to Harlan County and maybe I'll shoot some criminals", not exactly a twist.

I don't know, Mackelmore does seem to genuinely think his music isn't very good. He's like the Hugh Grant of rap.

1991? You mean Vanilla Ice time? You think Vanilla Ice proved that there can be great white rappers? Vanilla Ice?

Oh come on, even if you hate him you can't call him a hack. "Following up his apocalyptic depression movie with a 4 hour sex comedy, same old same old."

To be fair, at this point even Dowd himself is like "this movie is so good, it struck an emotional chord with me, something my designers the Tyrell Corporation always said was impossible!"

A "best friend named CeeCee" seems like a smoking gun, till the part about "or has the initials C.C.". Maybe I can get in on a class action with my script about Christopher Columbus moving into America after a break-up with his quirky best friend (Lizzy Caplan).

One of my favourite things said about the Chappelle show blowing up was Patrice O'Neal explaining how unbelievable Chappelle's story that Neal Brennan didn't bother call him after he walked out was, something like "you're riding on this guy's coattails for so long, and your 50 million dollar meal ticket walks on the

Lack of lesbians seems like the obvious source of controversy. But no way this will get the level of publicity where people are looking for excuses to hate it.

I really hate the idea that racism is okay so long as it's against people from a different country. Your comment is the only one here actually apologising for racism (everyone else is disagreeing over what is racist) and several of the most virulent anti-racist people have liked it.

I don't find that argument acceptable. We praise and blame people for what they do, regardless of circumstance. How else would it work? If someone's beloved war hero Grandad had been born in Germany and lived a completely different life they would be a different person, and yeah, then who knows what they would have

He should be allowed just carve Best Actor onto the Oscar he already has. I mean, who's going to argue? He is the best actor.

Holly didn't shoe-horn in a reference to the resurrection/ when we were down in Minneapolis getting high off our connection.

Paul F Tompkins mocked the Av Club comments too, something about a grave robber would feel shame after leaving one. Really anyone who gets offended about someone mocking the comments section they're a part of needs to take a long hard look at themselves. Your self esteem shouldn't be wrapped up in your online comments.

Black, white, young, old, male, female, you're all fucking Americans. Why don't you examine that privilege and stop starting wars, propping up dictators and drone striking everybody. That's what Malcolm X would say if he were alive.

There hasn't been any television people care about since Breaking Bad ended, they have to do something. The TV Club writers have families to feed! They tried to throw Todd VanderWerff a bone by letting him redesign the website, and look how that turned out.

I suppose I can see a HBO executive thinking they're combating the racist stereotype of black entertainers shucking and jiving for the white man by only hiring boring people. They're certainly proving that black people can be just as boring and lame as white people, which I guess is a kind of progress.

Ha, never try to do a joke where you make up something ridiculous Kanye West might do. Whatever you can think of, he's already done it.

Why don't they do a show about cool black people? Why are the only black people who get shows prissy douchebags like Kamu Bell and this bow tie wearing nerd?

I'm just a random youth like you, looking for some illegal drugs.