
All my life I wanted a cool nickname, like Shark or something. But no one was willing to call me Shark, no matter how much I asked. This guy had everyone in the world calling him The Rock, and he CHOSE to go back to being Dwayne. For that, he deserves nothing but scorn.

I think people who call Payne films scornful or condescending are mostly projecting their own feelings onto them (really, is there a more scornful and condescending critic than Dowd?). You're supposed to feel sympathy for Margo Martindale's character, if all you can manage is patronizing pity that's your own emotional

This is a really silly point. If you can imagine anyone else in the role after seeing the movie then the actor and director haven't done their job right.

I'd give it the highest grade imaginable: a C++

Over on the real Av Club film section they loved it.

Like everyone else here, I also feel this is not Tony Scott's best movie.

But do those ticket buyers really care? Will 750 million gross hold you and keep you warm at night?

Oh come on, it's the sequel to a bad film, with all the people who made it bad returning. We're not allowed pre-judge that? Do we have to keep an open mind about Grown Ups 2 as well?

Whatever man, have opinions pertaining to Richard Pryor and/or the book being reviewed and quit with the lame message board drama.

Save your personal beefs for the hair salon, Ted.

I think you have that backwards. The good part is being the daughter of comedy legend Richard Pryor, with all the attendant riches and glory that comes with the name. The bad part is that your father was deeply troubled drug addict Richard fucking Pryor.

Don't forget Hannah and her Sisters. Do you often impress women by taking them on a tour of your favourite buildings?

Don't forget Hannah and her Sisters. Do you often impress women by taking them on a tour of your favourite buildings?

He already played James Dean, and he'll be starring in Wood!, the Broadway musical adaptation of the Natalie Wood story, next spring. Playing Mineo too would be overkill.

Yes, the British are famous for their Easygoing Upper Lip.