Trump's Sister

See, and I kept thinking, “Well, she’s NOT WRONG.”

How she is responding to the situation is what’s making her the bigger person. He’s done nothing but throw tantrums like a child in response to this situation. He could have chosen to say “I am disappointed that she would make remarks about a current presidential candidate, but I am not going to let it bother me” or

Fuck, that’s so insulting!

I’ve always admired Frida Kahlo’s work, and the physical pain and injuries she endured, but I gained a new level of sympathy for her after seeing the DIA’s exhibit of work by Kahlo and Rivera. I had just moved to Detroit that year, I could understand how harrowing it would be to be torn away from friends, family, all

Oh look a misogynist who doesn't like female politicians what a shocker.

Al Franken’s Senate seat was contested for months after the 2008 election, and it was this missing seat that caused the Democrats to scale back the scope of the Affordable Care Act. Having any Republican in the Senate for any length of time harms this country, having a grandstanding Scott Brown buttressing his future

too important to keep my mouth shut

Wait, seriously? You didn’t know that TPP is a negotiated multilateral trade deal and can’t be fussed to do some research on what Obama has done to regulate bank excesses since the 2007 great recession but you’re “skeptical” of Clinton because you sort of maybe heard she takes money from corporations? now you’re being “harassed”.

Depends on what you mean by “fight the banks.” Like, dismantle them and then there’s just no more banks? No, of course not. But she has put forward a comprehensive financial reform agenda that takes the Obama/Dodd-Frank scheme of regulations and strengthens its framework, while adding things like stronger capital

No, you’re pretty transparent.

Did you vote for anyone? Or too busy playing with your self-righteousness?

*shrug* Did you vote for Obama? Yes? Then you helped out, too, dumbass.

The same way we feel about your stupidity: Something we have to live with though it would be nice if it wasn’t around.

If you believe that a few carefully selected pro-Bernie anti-Hillary tweets is some kind of movement, intent to derail the Clinton campaign, then you belong to those who are both mathematically challenged and believe everything they read on the internet (esp. on jezebel/The Slot).

Every liberal I personally know voted for Bernie and now every single one of them, myself included, is getting behind Hillary. We’re giving too much of a voice to the Bernie or Bust contingent who are a teeny tiny minority of his supporters and are people who probably do not generally vote and if they do, they don’t

assuming 5 tweets aren’t representative of millions of people

With respect: I am assuming you are a white dude, given how defensive you are. You and other white men do not get to be the people to say kumbaya right now. You (or people who look like you) have been the oppressors for too long a time. To then turn around when people get angry and be all, “we all need to come

We (men) don’t believe things are happening unless they are happening to us. Beyond that, we don’t want to do anything that indicts ourselves in any way, whether actively or by omission.

Lard spare me white men who think social media is “silencing” them. Nope, it’s just allowing other, more interesting voices to finally be heard.