True, I don’t think I even read that far...what a weird thing to include in an article!
True, I don’t think I even read that far...what a weird thing to include in an article!
Megan left Mark for another woman. She came back to try to work things out. This is terribly sad.
man, go fuck yourself. We will not kiss your stupid ass. If you want to vote Trump, do it.
“Either this is important enough to swallow your pride or it’s not. Which is it?”
Yep, Berners: “Yeah, so we used ancient GOP talking points to demonize & SLANDER the 1st woman to win the nomination (without any proof whatsoever) but really, you Hillary supporters should be on your knees, sucking us off to get us to vote for her over FUCKING TRUMP”
actually, she said she worked for 5-6 WEEKS on speech, not days. She also said she wrote it herself with ‘little help’
“I’m not interested in it, but I don’t feel the need to shit on people who are. I know my opinion of a thing I don’t care about doesn’t matter. Why don’t you know that?”
ha! awesome
What gets me is that so many people get off on making powerful women apologize. Whether they did wrong or not, it’s like a REQUIREMENT. Hillary, RBG, AG Loretta Lynch for saying hi to the President. The public must see them humbled.
NRA helped get Bernie elected as well
I agree and I’d say Bernie has been much more a supporter & beneficiary of NRA than merely his benign neglect...
She said she wanted the whole primary to play out first so that important policy discussion could take place & it would solidify our platform.
What gets me is that these extremist Bernie supporters are getting their papers directly from BERNIE himself. He’s setting this tone, Hillary is “evil” a “democratic whore” “corrupt” and, as during the debate, Bernie couldn’t name a single fucking example of her so-called corruption, but they don’t care.
“Wasn’t Obama declared the presumptive nominee before the convention in ‘08 with an even narrower margin than this one?”
I’ve driven that road and remember we bought t-shirts that said “I survived the road to Hana” how are they figuring murder?
If anything I think he (and Jeb) disproved his main theory: he outspent HRC and still LOST BIG - $ doesn’t buy elections.
haha, that sounds awesome