God, they didn’t even use her name, she’s just some asshole’s bride. gross.
God, they didn’t even use her name, she’s just some asshole’s bride. gross.
“4 white guys playing fictional characters.”
Clinton even went on to PERSONALLY NOMINATE Obama at the convention. That is what we call class & putting the country and Dem party first. Bernie should take notes, he’s embarrassing himself.
“So what you’re saying is that alienating all minorities plus half the population might be a teeny tiny problem for someone running for the presidency”
If anyone else was found doing that, they’d already be in jail.
true. also true that you are way more mature than I am!
and no black people saw hide nor hare of him again for 50 years
Bernie voted to fund both the Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan. He also voted in favor of giving George Bush unilateral war powers following 9/11.
God, this was fucking brilliant. I sincerely hope more people than on this site get to read this. The hypocrisy is astounding and no one seems to talk about it.
“Do I want a future career with a wide swath of people who respect me and will listen to me? OR Do I continue this angry, egocentric, anti-democrat tirade I’ve been on and end up with a small, but devoted (too devoted?) followers?”
wow, you are patient. I lost my temper straight off.
no, the solution is for people like Bernie to run as an Independent OR plan ahead and mobilize his fans to follow the rules that have been in place FOREVER.
Like being responsible for the deaths of dozens of people because you are callous and inept and then bragging about what a great job you did? Yeah, that’s a big red flag.
“Frankly, if someone took a static approach to the way they viewed the world, that would be a big red flag for me.”
YES, this! It only took one year for Warren to be considered “untrustworthy” and “unlikeable” but no, no sexism here folks, haha
“She has the tendency to flip flop on just about anything depending on the way the wind blows”
Especially since Hillary was voted “MOST ADMIRED” woman in the world for the last 20 years in a row!
Yep. Ugh AND he’s full of shit, but Hillary can’t just call him out or else she’ll seam MEAN, god forbid.