Trump's Sister

Even his colleagues disliked him for his condescension... might explain why he has, what, like 2 endorsements from them - after 30 years in govt., yikes.

it’s amazing what a pass he’s gotten on SO much, not just his rude and unprofessional demeanor.

oops, better link re: Bernie’s claim of no super pac

a better link, sorry about Bernie’s claim to not having a super pac:

sorry wrong link, here’s one about Bernie’s claim that he doesn’t have a super Pac

if Hillary acted like Bernie, with the finger raised and pulling faces while she’s in the middle of a sentence, she’d be booed off the stage.

especially because he DOES HAVE A SUPER PAC.

I agree, and why do they so often refer to a non-suspect civilian as a “gentleman” as in, “I asked the gentleman to step out of the vehicle”

god, thank you, why don’t people know this?

haha, I actually made this joke at the beginning, that Trump is a Clinton plant... not laughing anymore.


She said something incredibly loudly with the “I’ve decided to live as a werewolf” episode of Kimmy Schmidt.

all I know is, compared to her snotty daughter, she’s a breath of fresh air


Hi, I thought this was cool about her meeting up with Bell Hooks

Gah, YES

ah crap, now I have to throw away my Ray Bands


Hey Lady, forgot to ask what your name is on the F_ting site we talked about, is it the same as here? If you’re scared of the crazies, of which there are legion, please just say so and we’ll figure out something else, haha.