
No, it wouldn’t.

Right when you’ll get the Iraq WMDs, i.e. after Hillary’s done bombing them.

You’re also more prepared to leave the house in event of an earthquake, intruder, etc.

Actually, yeah it is impossible for you to comment ACCURATELY. You’re a fucking moron if you think you can estimate 5 years of expenses. Go back to finish high school, idiot.

The average salary is $54,000.

How is she ambitious? She’s been doing the same job of being Hillary’s assistant since she was a college intern.

Power for what? Bigger alimony? That ain’t happening because she has been making more money than him for a long time, and her Saudi family wealth eclipses his.

Do you realize that you’re commenting on a website network that had to be sold in part because they profited from publishing a sexual assault video against the victim’s wishes?

Not the ones admitted under the refugee program.

There are no consequences because it’s taboo to criticize people’s parenting, especially if they’re black. Parents are perfect and it’s always the fault of the animal.

Who else but a philandering moron would agree to get involved with someone as spineless as Huma?

Liability? It’s a feature.

I don’t remember reading anything about him cheating in real life; just sending sexts and flirting with randos on Twitter.

Can’t say that I feel bad for Huma, and the toddler’s too young to know better. The only people left to feel bad for here are Weiner’s siblings and his extended family.

Sext addiction is not sex addiction.

Yeah, I bet you don’t hear a lot of things. That tends to happen when you’re not listening to what people are actually saying because you’re too busy imposing your views on them.

If the syllabus ends in 1865, then it should actually end in 1865. To skip over centuries and write an imaginary exercise is idiotic and ridiculous. It’s mental exercises of this sort that emboldened Scalia and his devotees in their “originalist” arguments.

Of course we care. Do you think we’d ever abandon the military industrial complex and let them starve? That’s why our foreign policy is such a shitshow - it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!

Never gonna happen. Just like refugees from other warn-torn countries aren’t going to be accepted because they don’t have a PR machine singing their praises.

Based on those sources my students will have to write a letter from the perspective of a recent immigrant.