The Brak Show should have cracked the list seeing it was the prototype for Adult Swim shows. And some of these shows are just straight up mediocre.
The Brak Show should have cracked the list seeing it was the prototype for Adult Swim shows. And some of these shows are just straight up mediocre.
Why do you hate Hockey?
Hockey is fine, if you are rooting for a team that regularly has 20 more shots and lose they are a horrible team with poor shot selection or you are blessed to watch brilliant goalie performances and are too stupid to recognize it.
Why do you hate Hockey?
If amazing goal tending doesn’t get you jazzed why the fuck are you watching Hockey.
You can but unlike me you would be wrong.
Hockey is fine. It doesn’t need bigger nets.
Motherfuckers fired Dennis from The Vane.
If a MLS team did this it would end up being a 5,000 word essay by Haisley about how much the MLS sucks.
As a Flyers fan nothing vexes me more.
It is almost as if they were enjoying the sporting event they were attending.
I regret nothing.
I was at that game. And with a name like Missouri Ben I have to assume you are a KC fan.
Pendantry also is used to derail a debate when that person cannot actually factually refute a comment.
Pedantic guy gotta be pedantic
As immediate as you can get after a decades long war against a superpower.
Didn’t we arm the Taliban.
Oh the repercussions of the Iraq war aren’t over yet.
or maybe that they realized they were shit crazy wild cards.