
The tragic backstory allowed Te'o to break out as a public figure- especially among females. Marketing is about making more sales than you would have before- not that you sell to everyone. It is amazing you are perpetually surrounded by advertising and merchandising and yet, you, underestimate that it is selling

The research on advertising and propaganda is clear and real. Images and stories can and do change your behavior from what words you use, to what actions are aceptable, to what products you wear and what you eat and drink. If you expose yourself to a story in which the characters are violent in words or actions- or

Notre Dame lost the championship game. In college footbal, winning the actual championship has no significant financial reward vs losing the game. The money is in getting TV ratings and merchandising the athletes. Like all entertainment that needs stars and the tragedy backstory was what made te'o a marketable star-

Do not blame men about any of this. Men do not care about your shoes- except to be exasperated that you cannot walk in them. Men cannot tell if you redid your hair somehow. Men do not notice your makeup. And for God's sake, men have no image of what your labia "should" look like. All this is 100% Jezebel-think. No

Sadly, a few years ago the head of S. Korea's genetic research turned out to be a fraud. His research was so far ahead of others but Koreans and the usual big media loved the guy , so clues were not followed up. Sadly, in this age of reporters as 'advocates', not sceptics, these stories are common that the media falls

These are not the statements of a 'reporter'- these are the statements of an 'advicate'. That reporters confuse the two very opposite lines of work is their problem. The SI reporter is admitting he was scammed- and his response is not a vow to be more cautious but a statement of devout belief in one of the suspects-

The idea that just giving up is the answer is so in keeping with the under 35 generation-"It's hard.I quite!" perhaps that is what all your faux Asian tats actually mean. No reasonable person ever thought there was a time crime would be defeated. The real world is not a Batman comic. There will always need to be law

This is news because the fraudulent story brought Notre Dame millions by creating Te'o as a focal point story for ND. This is a story because of the fraud of the public. If you don't follow football, you may not understand how much money these college programs can make by creating a star.

Thank you for doing all the work and showing that real reporting can still exist. Great Kudos.

Liberals get caught with illogic an then say- oh, it was just 'comedy!' No, this is not comedy. Now by your logic if the embryo is 'a viable' organism ' , then what else is it but a human. Again, you are wrong- a chicken egg is called a chicken egg because it is a chicken and not a turkey egg. The fact it has not

A human baby has the same viability as the zygote for months after birth. Infanticide was and is the preferred method of dealing with unwanted or unsupportable babies for centuries and infanticide of especially females is common in the Middle East and Asia. It is a complex issue that ironically kills more females

Oh , you assume [ the most common logic technique on Jezebel] that I am against abortion because I can point out that what gets aborted is viable as Ryan argues. I would vote for abortion as I accept that the barbaric killing of viable human fetuses is the most practical solution given the world we live in. [I point

Back fat is a 'progressive issue', who knew?

Well, Jezebel is back to personalized hate mongering after a few weeks of better behavior after the shootings. Now, I know jezebel never actually wants intelligent discussion, but consider that in all forms of animal husbandry, fertilized eggs are considered live, viable animals and the science is clear as is the

Are you sure you weren't at at the Global Warming conference by mistake- sounds like the same folks all waiting for the end of the world. Oh, my mistake, no one at the Mayan festival wanted to pass new taxes after the world did not end.

The problem is a cultural issue of adult appropriateness versus child appropriateness. The standard is so low now, that any of these boundaries are past any usefulness with children exposed to age inappropriate material constantly. Common material that is not even seen as the issue are so far outside appropriate for

The problem is a cultural issue of adult appropriateness versus child appropriateness. The standard is so low now, that any of these boundaries are past any usefulness with children exposed to age inappropriate material constantly. Common material that is not even seen as the issue are so far outside appropriate for

The problem is a cultural issue of adult appropriateness versus child appropriateness. The standard is so low now, that any of these boundaries are past any usefulness with children exposed to age inappropriate material constantly. Common material that is not even seen as the issue are so far outside appropriate for

Cosplay is a form of acting and acting is a difficult activity mentally. To act, one must take on another's personality. If one has a very stable core personality, one can more or less 'boot up ' in another sequestered part of the mind's harddrive this alternate self and then reboot successfully to one's prior /core

I just payed attention to your arguments and actually read all you said. I discussed the logical consequences of your statements. If being taken seriously and saying women are equal angers you, I must again apologize. Equality does not seem to be very satisfying for you. Oh, well since I originally proposed women