
Let us all hope you are still happy in 10 years.

America is the loser and idiocracy and the Dems are the winners. Hey, you under 35's will get to live in exactly the country you voted for. Congratulations.

I have seen a few things about earlier colonizations and if they actually happened, they would have been small numbers of first settlers while the numbers over the land bridges were rather large and came in several waves according to DNA evidence I have read. I see no reason some people did not sail to the Americas

Shows like Revolution would be best as 'mini-series' with limited episodes and a definitive story arc that does not need filler to complete a season as if it were a sit-com. Trying to make these ongoing series is the core issue why Lost, Revolution, and last year's time travel show whithered. These are shows around a

Hey, don't forget plague!

Polio is not "ended". There is a world effort to end it but there are still new cases .

Wikipedia has an excellent discussion on pre-classic history of the region and how the Maya had lived into what is now southern Mexico at one time. I know several Maya and they are very involved in their history and heritage. In general, they do not consider themselves Hispanic and certainly not Mexican, even if they

Always a chicken and egg argument but usually populations rise to the extent their agriculture can support [which is how they grow in the first place], but then the climate changes even a small amount, or some element is used up like the topsoil ,leaving the population too large to support at the new level of harvest.

The Sudan wars are partially due to extended draught and many cultures fought over resources as the climte changed including the Maya and Egyptians. All those changes reflect Earth's unstable climate. Nothing new . Man is the spectator not the cause of continual climate instability but people will fight to survive.

More evidence that Earth never had a stable climate and so all the panic today is foolish. Clean environment is good. Being played for fools by the climatescam is bad.

I dislike the new io9 confusing system of comment ,too, but in this case my comment was in response to LoneTruth's trying to tie a hurricane to global warming- when it was the cold winter storm that actually fueled a cat 1 hurricane into a large winter storm. Ironically, it is early,cold winter that is causing the

Come on io9, and readers-this is supposed to be a science site. Urine is a made of dilutions of urea that are very, very small to practically not there at all based on how much water a person drinks .So, the actual amount of available urea can be exponentially different. First, you would need to use power to

Reality is never stupid-just inconvient. Computer use has greatly increased electricity needs and most usage is simply superfluous , like being on io9. You vilify the people who generate electricity and feel all superior about that while wasting electricty on io9 to do the vilifying. That is both ironic and

Thanks, that seems reasonable. so, they would use a section of human universal DNA like code and use it to produce the protein product.

So you are reading io9 on a computer fueled by magic? A hurricane hits New York and all the world is doomed! In case you missed it the cat 1 storm was amplified by a big COLD front caused by WINTER. Hurricane season goes on into November and hurricanes hit the East Coast . That is neither new nor apocolyptic. That New

Human DNA is not a generic product so are they going to create an artificial DNA as a template or will this DNA be modeled on an actual individual person's DNA?

io9 needs to actually read the papers it talks about- not just the headings. The authors actually trained the monkeys to be faster while sacrificing accuracy on purpose and then looked at how that appeared vis-a-vis neural firing in their monkey brains. That simply does not translate over to humans who are trying to

I gave up on this show as it has one cliche after another. The Dept of Defense does not have a goal of destroying the world or taking over the world. The Army does not train people to just go kill. The Militia versus non-malitia story seems non-sensical in that all these people spend all their time on senseless

We would not be having any discussion except the Smith did say "nigga" and many on io9 defended that. If we agree that using intentional racial slur words is wrong-then we agree. If you read the comments, half of people thought it was an insult to capitalize the B and half an insult not to. But again, all this talk

Fun and clever but if it is "R" rated, the only way it can make money is if the production budget was under $40 million and this looks like a 70-80 million producton.