
Washington would have never approved of this statue that is the opposite of everything he stood for. Washington was offered power to rule America by England and then offered huge power by the Continental Congress. Washington's greatest triumph was that he refused the power he was offered. How many in history have

These miss the points of the stories. One could make a 2 sentence 'essence of' statement for old stories,but these miss the essence altogether. I begin to wonder if people actually read the original stories, or did they just watch the cartoon....

According to wikipedia, an entity called Sci Fi Pictures makes most of the made for SyFy movies.

If you read my posts, I have been telling people to go read the Met's original information release, to read the whole release, not the headline, and stop caring about secondary sources. The isuue is not the Mail- it is the Met's data. READ ORIGINAL SOURCES. Goodness, you are fixated on the Mail-and that fixation is

I disagree. Newsweek went bankrupt in spite of opening web channels. The New York Times has made web publishing as a major part of its model. yet, these 2 very liberal and biased news sources -the NYT's own in house ombudsman scolded the NYT for bias to the Left before resigning- are bankrupt or nearly so because

16 years of little to no warming - that is the last 16 years- is not cherry picking. Essentially, there has been little to no warming since around 1996. Are you saying that it is cherry -picking and inconsequential to note that? There have been numerous papers as to why, but even Mann acknowledged the temp has not

Oh, the Times would break a scandal- if it was about someone they don't like.

You had time to read io9 but none to read the actual Met news release? For the 101st time, the story is not the Mail. The story is the Met data and the Met's own release about the data. Read the original Met release.

For the 100th time, read the actual Met news release. You do not need anyone to "cover" the information and reinterpret for you what the Met said. Read the original release. I cannot tell you how disappointing it is to see all these io9 readers who seem unable to Google and get original information and instead seem

Sadly, you will not see any news that questions the Warming Scam unless it gets so much play on the internet that the big media feel they have to cover it. The big media never covered the major climate paper from scandinavia that reported on 2000 years of tree ring data- and did not support the warming theory. The

The 2012 summer had 6 weeks of hot temps but then there were 2 weeks with record cold and early snow. Realize we get all these records because people forget the USA is only 210 years old and most of North America has less than 150 years of data with only around 50 years of data with any reliability. These changes and

Another fine example of modern indoctrinated education where ad hominem is considered an argument. I can hardly wait for your rejoinder of "oh, yeah?".

Once again, the issue is not the Mail's article. Read the actual press release of the Met. Yes, the Met's official position is warming has not stopped—but that is because they officially explain in their release that they interpret the no significant temp change in 16 years as not important. The Met carefully does not

That is a good point. There is a real difference in changing the baseline genetic lifespan and in treating illness. The gains we have made have been in getting the most out of our curent potential. The near future/Singularity is different than that and has to do with going beyond our current genetics.

I am glad to see io9 give a realistic article on the amazingly positive state of the world. Those under 30 have been so inundated with apocolyptic BS, that they really believe the world is all terrible. Rejoice. Being alive today puts you in the most fortunate group ever to live. The internet gives you knowledge

Wow, that is really 'glass half empty'. Even at the turn of the 20th century, lifespan was not terribly improved. But, now, those 20 years old will likely live into their late 90's with great improvement in function up till the last few years . Be Happy.

In order to save money, the generics we use have fairly lax standards. The FDA allows generic drugs to be around 1/3 stonger or weaker than the actual brand name. In this case a pharmacy got in the business of compounding generic drugs-that is taking the raw drug and mixing it to make the forms needed for giving to

If you had a wreck, wouldn't that spray liquid nitrogen around the wreck site with fairly disastrous effects?

I agree that a good netbook does all this Chromebook does plus lots more for the same money. Also, if you want to work offline and not cloudstore , then netbooks come with that ability. If you want chrome, install it, but I would not want to be restricted to that.

We've been discussing this at length. Actually, the Met released their data on temp and the data show no warming in 16 years. The Met then released a press statement that 2/3 of the way through acknowledged that the data show no significant warming in 16 years and then the Met gave its opinion that one should not