Siege Mentality

Not surprising when it dawns on you that the black church has covered up pedophiles, sexual abuse, straight-acting leaders who preach against being gay while everyone knows they themselves are gay, and all manner of sexual activity outside of marriage.

That’s “Fantasy” not “Honey” fam.

i hope dragons destroy baby yaga for eliminating bisexual icon the babadook

Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her

Option the third: Tell that bitch “Peeeeeeeace!” Now your wedding has 29 guests which means one less person to not really remember having spoken to even once the entire night.

For the first letter, why the ever living fuck can’t the LW’s fiance/fiancee tell the sister not to bring the kids? Like, on the phone. Why is it the LW’s job? Or, why not have a family friend tell her at the wedding, if she brings the kids, not to let her in?

I have my IBS and my version comes with urgency. Like, find a toilet right now whether you want to or not.

Now I need a twitter account detailing the fictional writing desks of famous authors. Emerson’s is just a pile of leaves next to a pond. Mary Shelley’s is her mother’s grave. Ayn Rand writes on the back of Paul Ryan, who considers it an honor.

Same. I take longer peeing than pooping - but GTFO of my way when it’s coming. I never got 1) people who just sit there and wait for the poop to come and 2) people who take reading material. I don’t even get to crack the book open.

I am blessed with the ability to poop very quickly without it being diarrhea. The flip side is the fact that when I have to go, I really can’t fuck around. I have no choice. And I don’t give a fuck, anyway. My co-workers can get bent if they have a problem with it.

The one, single benefit to having IBS: I never have this dilemma, because it takes every single star to be in alignment for me to poop to begin with.

So funny you put it that way because I watched him 20-odd years ago when he was on All My Children and I would have been around 13(ish) at the time and he was the absolute epitome of hot to me then!

I saw Last of the Mohicans on a first date.

She also keeps the lamp in her living room.

“Penelope: ‘O, I’m in awful luck.’ Perdita: ‘What’s the matter?’ Penelope: ‘Engaged—and I still have eight new dresses of which I will never have the chance to try the effect.’”

I don’t think that he could have been a model or anything, but I would say he was good looking (for a douche). He kinda had like a James Spader thing going for him.

Did you also have the thing where it costs $0.50 to flatten a penny and imprint some fun local design on it?

lol, I almost wrote this as well. The “multiple endings” are just who is having the dream - Bran, Sansa, Jon, Robb, Arya, Rickon or (I hope) Dickon.

Same here, and I was pleased as punch to read the leaks and find they all mostly came true. I think the exception you noted will still happen, if it’s what I think you are referring to.

I wish Kimmel had made his point that opinions are not facts a little more clearly. As Spicer stuck to the party line, I wondered if He did sign an NDA. I would not think it would be a legally binding document since Mr. Trump is not his boss, and Spicer didn’t work for the Trump Organization. My guess is he learned a