Siege Mentality

Yeah, glad to see Governor Shake Down the Children’s Hospital finding solace in the good book. UGH. This fucking guy!

Or being a facade of being a good person.


Not enough “I Love Lucy” .gifs, take this star!

My husband used to say he was so irritatingly friendly “because everyone is a potential juror.”

I want to see him convert to Islam, and get an appropriate wig.

Oh I dunno, there’s a certain synergy to it. Just look at the vile ‘Christian’ assholes attesting to the faith and repentance of the orange cretin in the oval office. That’s exactly why I still love Martha S. I cannot possibly imagine her hanging with the jailhouse god crowd.

It’s such good evidence for religion being something you do when you’re just really fucking bored.

For some reason whenever I see Brand I see this guy:

My mom had that shirt (rather, the Kmart version).

Because you all deeply care about my lady-boner, I wish to announce that Liam Neeson can get it.

She just passed the 60-year anniversary of her professional stage debut (9/9/57), a 22-year-old playing Ophelia in Hamlet at the Old Vic.

Anyone on Graham Norton really is amazing. Once he gets them liquored up the conversation gets brilliant!

You got it Siege. I could watch the Dame do her thang all day - including taking a nap;) At 81 she’s earned the right to do whatever the hell she wants;)

I just don’t know how Dame Judi does it.

My only thoughts on this are that it’s a shame my 40 year old Pet Rock doesn’t bounce so that I can throw it at people who play with these things.

I suppose a midget fidget is insensitive.

You can check it out on Netflix I believe. Kind of a strange, surreal look into Jimi’s personal life. Andre was very good.

Take a star, damnit

Jesus I’m 50. I don’t know how long I can keep that up. But OK. Would you mind breaking the news to my wife? She won’t believe it if it comes from me.