“The doctor stings you [with a live bee] like it’s an acupuncture needle. I had it done on my cesarean scar… I had some buckling in the scar, and it really evened it out.”
“The doctor stings you [with a live bee] like it’s an acupuncture needle. I had it done on my cesarean scar… I had some buckling in the scar, and it really evened it out.”
Wait they seriously sell “a $66 jade egg that tones the muscles and energy of one’s vagina?”
(God forgive me; I couldn’t help myself)
Her ad-libs, asides, angst filled pauses and physical embellishments—it couldn’t have been more delightful and perfect!
It was a group costume - two were dressed as French Resistence, two as Germans
As far as I know, she’s snapped out of it http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128930526
I never heard any religious stuff about Anne Rice (and belatedly realize the post you’re replying to might be the one that doesn’t even mention her).
I tried one with singers, one with monks and another random one, all sexy in random weird ass ways.
I was thinking of Cry to Heaven which wasn’t even the vampire stuff and I picked it it up specifically because the back-cover made it sound less smexy than the vampire stuff, and welp...
Spoilers! The relationship continues to be super abusive, and the lead characters continue to be awful. Now with a baby at the end, to reinforce a bit of heterosexual domesticity and balance out all that naughty hardcore XXX spanking.
Thank you for that. As someone who agrees with this site 85-90 percent of the time, even if my opinion is different from yours, I am not a troll. Sometimes having a thoughtful discussion about different opinions, can make me rethink my opinion. I think it can be the same for most of us as well.
And this was way worse because members of Harry’s family were legit Nazi sympathizers.
I don’t really think it’s that bad- just dumb. This kind of “expose” isn’t very helpful. Perhaps it doesn’t make a difference, but I have close family members were holocaust survivors and I think his apology is perfectly fine/is a good explanation. The outrage here seems misdirected.
It’s not like there aren’t valid things to criticize the Kardashians over. As I recall, they’ve been involved in shady businesses (the one I recall was a credit card with some pretty predatory terms, but I think there were others), the way they initially tried to treat Caitlyn transitioning as just another storyline…
It’s a libertarian paradise.
lol Where will Kinja find nerds to whine about pop culture on the internet?
Despite what popular culture tells you, most men aren’t just looking for a woman to bang, they’re looking for someone that they can connect and form a romantic relationship with
FWB: Your search is going to be long and trying. Despite what popular culture tells you, most men aren’t just looking for a woman to bang, they’re looking for someone that they can connect and form a romantic relationship with. You can tell them up front that you’re just in it for sex, but they actually DO have…
Gender imbalances. Risk of pregnancy. Also I would imagine “confidence” is a bit more clear on gay dating apps, since I imagine that you get to see all the people you are “competing” for and against (you see how your profile stacks up, as opposed to straight-tinder, where you wouldn’t). Catfishing is mostly just scam…