Siege Mentality

I know words are hollow, but best wishes and I hope things work out for you.

Thursday found me with another 16 year old. I have one already and an eleven year old daughter. He was booted from his house for not becoming Catholic: His heart is broken. He doesn’t even have a key to pick up clothes. He is really a great kid. Please, all of you that read this post, never throw your kid out for any

Don’t see why the argument is “since other celebs are problematic too, why point out this one who’s also problematic?” instead of “they’re all problematic and we should talk about it.” So you can never talk about an appropriation of a black celebrity because it’s black-hate? That sounds even more narrow-minded to me.

I do point out other people’s cultural appropriation all the time. It’s very odd that you chose to decide that it was “off” because Rihanna is black. If you ever saw me around I’m also just as vocal about other celebrities in general regardless of race, not just a “single celebrity.” Perhaps I should have been more

I wouldn’t be able to eat within about three weeks if I quit working, and we have no social safety net, so I think quitting jobs to protest is generally a bad idea. That said, I think things need to be ratcheted up a bit.

You know that not everyone can quit their jobs to be a full time protester, right?

I have to travel for almost all the weddings that I go to, but that’s just because I move around a lot so I have friends all over. It’s a case-by-case decision based on A)how broke I currently am and B) how much I like you.

No, but it may be time to use our weekends and vacation time to do it (march, sit in, protest) if we aren’t already doing that. Quitting on our obligations to fight will just allow those ordering these abuses to say we’re irresponsible children who don’t know how the real world works.

Well obviously these guys a worse than Nazis. C’mon, they wear hijabs.

100% korrect.

My god this girl. She’s never evolved. The first pic looks like it’s not even this year. Like maybe she’s using one from 1999. The outfit. The boots. The pose.

Klicks and komplaints.

I only said that because people treat casual Racism agains Asians as harmless, whereas if it was a different race they wouldn’t say such. Fuck you too, and why follow me? I’m so sick of your know it all attitude on this forum, where you act like you are open to discussion but is never open to anything other than

Why does this site love them? I cannot understand it. At all.

What do the Kardashian-Jenners talk about when they date the great songwriters and athletes of our generation?

So you’re assuming that if I’m Asian, I’m anti black and I can’t be upset about someone being racist about Asians? Good to know. Racism is racism.

This is something often said about Pedro Almodóvar. That his response to the aftermath of the Franco dictatorship was to never revisit any of it in his films. Never mention it. Never allude to it. Never allow it to repress him or his work, ever again. Not give even dead Franco this satisfaction.

Diabeetus can be a reeeeeal sumbitch. I’m not losin’ a foot just for a cola -
and miss me with that plain old, “Diet Coke.”

I agree with you for the most part, but your first sentence isn’t quite true. For many people, mostly white people who think police brutality either doesn’t exist or is way overblown, the issue of police brutality is only a racial issue.

Hamill’s one of those people who just becomes a different kind of hot as he gets older.