Siege Mentality

We had a big wedding, and I ended up loving it. Initially I wanted something small and intimate, but we both have big, close-knit extended families, so small was never really an option. We saved money where we could and were incredibly lucky to have some help from our parents, but in the end it was just a really big

Just be aware they are nutritionally dense, but also VERY calorie dense. So if you add a butt load to a recipe or oats, or what have you, you are easily throwing on 100+ extra calories.

I think it’s not forced to go, but forced to decide whether you’d rather keep your money, PTO, and other resources or go to about 1,000 weddings all asking to chip away at those resources. It isn’t easy to say “no” to a wedding when the person is your very close friend or if you have about a million family members.

I’d do mine exactly the same way, but I would have worn a shorter dress.

this me :( I just want to put on jeans and go to city hall, but pretty much everyone important in our lives has made it clear they will not talk to us if we do that. It’s frustrating AF. I like weddings but wouldn’t want my own.

This! Why people are so put off by being invited to a wedding? If you don’t want to go, don’t go! It’ll save the marrying couple some money AND you won’t have to complain about being asked to witness and celebrate an important event in the lives of some people you ostensibly care about! Everyone wins!

I live in Florida. My husband and I asked our immediate families to come to Florida to watch us get married on the beach. It was a way for us to keep it really small (we didn’t even really invite friends from here), just family. I figure, if I had it back in Indiana (where I am from), my husband’s family would have

It seems that I am in the minority here. I like the idea of having a couple of days to actually see everyone and have a real conversation with folks that I don’t get to see very often. Also, if it’s an out of town event, I’d much rather stay a couple of days than travel a long distance for a 4 hour event.

My husband and I aren’t religious, so the church wedding was already off the table. We were married in the backyard of the officiant, with our two best friends there as witnesses. Afterwards we went to a movie and then out to eat steak. It was THE BEST DAY EVER! I had to deal with a bunch of passive-aggressive

Been married for 14 years. We had a small traditional wedding. I invited family and a few friends. It was under 100 people and many family members haven’t seen each other in a while so it was like a family reunion. Other than my passive aggressive divorced parents acting like children, it was great. I’d do it

I’ve never been married but the backyard barbeque has always been my plan. :)

You seem to be under the impression that was my first wedding? It wasn’t, but it wasn’t the same old boring ass giant church wedding I’d already been to several times in my life, having a huge extended family.  It was just plain fun for all involved, which happened to be approximately 30 people, give or take.

Does everyone who gets invited to the wedding live in the same place? I can’t even imagine that. No matter where you do it, somebody’s going to have to schlep.

I had a very small wedding in the place where I was currently (and still am) living. My parents, my in-laws, my siblings and my friends all live in different locations. There was no way to have it in a place where it wouldn’t be a destination for someone. If you don’t like weddings than don’t go, but I personally

Is this an equivalent of an ex who still crashing on your couch after he took some time off to Bali?

Note discovered in Spicey’s handwriting. Little hearts dotting the “i”s.

We did something very similar, us, a local church, officiant, and witnesses. The church was an adorable A-frame chapel out in the woods, dirt floor, sat maybe 20, and a wall of windows framing the mountain peaks. We reserved it by putting a post it note on the bulletin board by the door. It was perfect.

EEEEEloped. We did a church/tacky dress/mom’s coworkers extravaganza and the best part was when it was over. I loved the groom, the cake (rum cake sets a tone y’all) and the location. An event with 6 people tops would have been the dream.

Thank you, i can’t stand going to weddings and thought I was the only one.

Not really. They are nuttier. I think flax is fine, but I could see your aversion to the taste. The problem is they can be expensive & are usually sold in bulk so it might be hard for you to just buy a little bit to see if you like the taste before diving in. I think this explains it pretty well: http://www.quickanddir