Siege Mentality

Since I’m getting a bit of replies about Lysol as douche:

Well, the trick with regular old dollar store baby powder is once a week you tip it once into the heel of your most used shoes. Wear them as usual, and the powder will do it’s magic and keep the shoes from getting that locker room stank. It also helps with exfoliating dry skin off your feet. I see a major difference

“Republicans believe strongly in equal rights and we strive to ensure we are creating a better future for our families and the next generations.”

Shhh. Don’t logic now. I’ve been saving that gif for too long and finally found an excuse to drop it.

I don’t need no stinkin porn. I got ‘Murica.

Baby wipes. A nice cool baby wipe to clear out the swamp crotch. Pat yourself dry with toilet paper. Done.

There’s lots of little discoveries out there if you talk to some older women. Powdering was pretty common in earlier generations to combat sweat / odor. I still powder my shoes once a week to this day. It never occurred to me to powder my panties.

Ever since it became apparent that “conservative” news is simply a sounding board for corporations and politicians to mold their viewers... I ain’t trusting entertainment that is rubber stamped by Christians. 

handcrafted, ruffled saris in wispy materials

As a Jersey resident that was here during the filming and nonstop tabloid discussion of the show, I’m disowning you now.

I’m just dropping this here because no one has left me an opening for it yet and I’m impatient.

You can meh about it all you want. It’s a little late to nope out on incest now. We’ve seen fraternal twins fucking already. Embrace the inevitable. Jon and Dany are going to fuck. The question is how the witch’s prophecy about her being barren will play out.

... Kid Monkey ...

I’m not totally on board, but I’ll do some positive fist pumping for your username.

That’s how I felt about the annular eclipse in ‘84.

This whole once in a lifetime thing is a little too much hype...

I hope so too. Every time I forget that she’s got talent she pops up with a classic cover that is so damn good. She needs to just walk the fuck away from the kewl kids and come up with a “classic” sound. She could turn out to be the Annie Lennox of this generation.