Siege Mentality

The whole Mariah and Whitney thing was never interesting. It was a diva rivalry at best. Neither one came out swinging at the other.

I’ve watched the video twice. Early in the video she said that her and her husband have spent a lot of time on the internet taking in all the support and comments. She clarifies her position on politicians contacting her at 2:54.

You know I gotta just because you said something...

So... here’s the thorn that keeps poking me every time we discuss this...

I still have love for LL, and that song is still in my playlist, but... There was just something about KD Lang back then for me. I was transitioning from a big haired metal chick in the 80s to full on rave lunatic in the early 90s. My friends were all about Seattle grunge, and then KD Lang comes along with this whole

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*Digs a bunker* I will die on this hill of best Unplugged performance.


Wow, I haven’t seen this one in yearsssssssss.... The original Muppet show was just so damn good.

Oh definitely, baby oil seals in moisture, so you get nice soft skin afterwards. Two warnings though: Never go dry. You have to rinse your legs before and after. And don’t shave on days you’ll be out in the sun, you’ll fry.

Wait, wasn’t Taylor Hicks begging for a shot at judging a few weeks back? I swear I read that someplace.

I forgive everything. I cannot criticize anything done in a very 70s-esque sequined pant suit.

Blackfish remains in my top 10 documentaries, and I wept like a five year old when they took her daughter away.

If this was random scripted show on mainstream network, I would just pass on the article. As a lifelong Jersey resident that worked in Atlantic City during the Trump years, I rage hard that a reality show made him palatable to bumblefuck.

I saw and respect what the antifa group did at Charlottesville. My caution about antifa started when I was googling antifa right after Charlottesville. I found that they’re an assortment of groups and not nationally connected. That worries me. I could throw my support into one group and have another group somewhere

Remember Uncle Benjen (Ned Stark’s younger brother)? He’s the super night’s watchmen that Jon follows to the wall in season one. Uncle Benjen goes off on a raid and never returns. A few seasons later he turns up and helps Bran. Well, he’s technically dead, but the Children of the Forest used some dragon glass trick to

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Believe it or not, but the branding in the Pussyriot video was too uncomfortable for me. I say this as an old, a rape survivor, and a superfan of GoT. My fellow survivors will probably know this feeling well. You just never know what will be too much to watch.

You’re not paying close enough attention. He’s still armed!

Wow. I would never have known what to do with that. I’d have probably done some homemade lancing and died of infection. #moreoversharing