Siege Mentality

That’s not an elitist asshole, Honey. That’s just a plain ol’ asshole. Read some of her other comments. The fucking idiot didn’t know why an Italian grandmother would have a rosary. Halloween was stolen from Mexicans.

I’d swear she was a just a fucking troll if I hadn’t seen her show up in other articles and shit the

How fucking ignorant can you be? You know where the Vatican is? You know, that place the Pope lives? Oh hey, it’s in Italy! Maybe some Italians have been Catholic for... oh... MANY CENTURIES!

Sit the fuck down. You could at least do some basic bitch googling before you show up and start your chicken headed bullshit about how wypipo ruin everything.

HALLOWEEN was not stolen from Mexicans. My pasty pagan ancestors started Halloween. Samhain, like many other pagan holidays, was APPROPRIATED by Christians

Now playing

If you’re unfamiliar or young(er), Paul Simon is somewhat of a folk artist. He’s had some major hits back in the day with very simple arrangements but powerful lyrics. When he released Graceland, there is no ignoring that his sound had evolved a bit and included some traditional African rhythms and instruments.


Ah. Alright, I can accept that the commercialization of the holiday bothers you.

Google > Day of the Dead > Search > Images

Feast your eyes upon some of the awesome cultural artwork that our people can’t seem to... uh... I don’t know what’s really appropriate to say here. Either way, enjoy it. The only white folk comparisons I can make is maybe some Grateful Dead images, but who knows? Maybe

Oh, hold on, as a white woman, I didn’t know a fucking thing about Day of the Dead until I was visiting central America and saw a Day of the Dead parade. I, like most of my culturally starved people, instantly fell in love with Day of the Dead artwork. It is stunning. I wouldn’t recommend getting a neck tattoo of a

Friends don’t let friends blog while still drunk.

... crying.

All of you need to google his Dancing with the Stars videos. He’s a thousand times more awkward than Miley.

Yes and yes! I wasn’t a super fan that watched every episode, but if these were on, I watched. I’m not sure which one becoming “conservative” is more depressing though.

I’m just not sure why we’re discussing this. Starve him out.

You know, finding out someone you fangirled over for years is a “conservative” is hard to deal with. First, it was Meatloaf. When I found out he was conservative I think my head spun around a few times. So many of his fun songs were in my playlists, and I just can’t listen to them anymore. By the middle of the first

They’re still primitive. I don’t know why we stopped burning them as witches.

I’m judging anybody that even looks at Bravo’s commercials let alone their shows anymore.

I see. Yet another post surrounding Beyonce has turned into the usual Beyonce stans refusing to accept criticism of their deity and trying to silence the criticism by invoking racism.

This... why did I not know about this? Holy shit this.

... crying.

This is timely. My co-worker has recently adopted wearing mascara, and I swear she has three lashes on each lid and her mascara smears terrible throughout the day.