Siege Mentality

Fuck Vogue. I want a two hour special of Tim Gunn examining every detail.

I thought the use of viscera was hyberbole...

Ugh. Thanks for letting me know though. I’d have been mad as hell if I downloaded just for clips.

I’m an old. Is the VH1 app free? I might actually check out this show if it is...

This. This. This. xinfinity

The tone of the article says it all.

We’re supposed to support women, right?

He’s never going to be one of the greats. Just put that idea out of your head. Also, I didn’t say anything about his acting ability. Although he could “act” like a responsible adult and respect his partners enough to slap a condom on his cock before sex.

How the fuck did you completely skip over something so basic and

Ugh, the whole idea of doing anything physical with Collin Farrell is so ew. I’m pretty sure it was a Jez post a couple years back that we were all comparing notes on celebs that we’d encountered and someone showed up to say that Collin Farrell has herpes and refuses to wear condoms.

Oh fuck. My stomach just rolled at the memory of my stepfather and his fucking hot dog water.

I don’t know how you managed to keep them alive two years. In September, I bought a pair of basic bitch doc martens at Payless. I wasn’t paying close enough attention. They fit and are good fall / winter shoes to wear with thick socks.

A few years ago they started carrying non slip shoes, which many employers (mostly fast food and restaurants) require their employees to wear. The good non slip shoes are and they’re expensive. So many people switched to the payless cheap shit. As someone that is accident prone, I wear non slip shoes

I don’t even know that we can say that’s got liquid though. If you roll back in time and peek at the dirt on Jaimie Foxx, it’s been said that he’s a serial cheater many times over.

And I’ve gotten to a place in life where a roll in the hammock with a cabana boy might mean he’s just bi and closeted.

It’s the lack of juice. All these celebs are all about inviting the world in to see their brand of special on reality shows and social media now. There just isn’t an explosive scandal anymore. Like, who didn’t know that Angelina and Brad would eventually fizzle out? Beyonce is having twins. Ok. Big name celebs do that

I don’t know why people insist that Lemonade = Beyonce’s Reality Show Movie. I’ve been saying (and getting plenty of backlash about it) that it’s a concept album. It’s a very heavily produced concept album. Beyonce has had a team of writers / producers work on every song for a long long time. If you wikipedia her

Basically, the same shit they’re doing now to Ed Sheeran. For awhile it was Anne Hathaway, then it was Ariana Grande, and whatever. The writers get on a haterade about a specific celebrity and comments are full of lemmings.

Yes. I’m a white feminist. I’ve been a white feminist for a good long while now. I’ve been in the trenches too. I’ve taken my white ass to the clinic on days when abortion procedures were being performed. I’ve walked women of all colors, shapes, and sizes that needed a shoulder to lean on through lines of protesters.

As an old that has been roleplaying for too many years, before you ask... Yes, I role play a lot of sex. For the casual person that doesn’t know a bit about role playing online, think of it as erotica with two authors, or stranger sexting with a lot of detail and punctuation. I’ve done so much of this through the

Huh. That’s the first time I’ve seen that theory.