Sidney Ruff-Diamond

It's only series six we're on, mate.

'Taste' is entirely subjective, my friend - there is no objective value attached to the concept, certainly when it comes to TV shows.

Lazy episode? Possibly. Lazy review? Absolutely. Oliver Sava is the Walter Sobchek of TV reviewers, shoehorning his hobby horse into every review even if it requires using a cast announcement for an entirely different show in an entirely different comic book universe to do it.

I can see Simmons undergoing some sort of unwilling change into a bad ass a la Fred into Illyria in Angel.

Nice backfill episode seeing as I have already seen AoU (twice - I am British). I too wonder what's in store next week and also going further forward as I read Ruth Negga haa been cast in another show.

"Something about Tasneem makes me feel super uncomfortable. A little help here?"

Decent episode. But I really don't see this 'demonised homosexual' angle or, rather, I don't construe Oswald Cobblepot in this manner.


Really excited for this announcement, although part of me wonders whether it is a 'pre-emptive strike' to mitigate an iffy Ant-Man film? It seems to have been treated like the ginger stepchild of the MCU given its production problems. Hope I am wrong, of course.

A slump-breaking episode. Best episode of the series since the Vegas-set episode. Hopefully this is a start of better episodes to come.

Really sad to see MF continue its decline. Series 1, 2 and 4 were some of the best comedy committed to the screen, and even what I thought was a dodgy series 3 is superior to most of series 5 (the outstanding 'Las Vegas' episode excepted) and series 6 so far. I hope this stale feeling isn't permanent.

"Sorry, this video is unavailable from your location" <rolleyes>

"There is no real destination for any of the characters anymore and they are all sort of just having adventures." Yeah, I agree but we're making judgements on that without seeing how those adventures play into the culmination of the story. There may (hopefully) be very good reasons why some characters are meandering

I think Tywin was just shitting shit, not gold, at that point.

But the two books are 'parallel action' in terms of one book focuses on Westeros and one on Essos but on the same timeline. The TV series can more easily rationalise this with some judicious changes here and there.

My sense about that is because it would have seemed a bit daft for Jaime to come into the cell, tell Tyrion, "Quick we've got to get out of here! But first sit down and I'll tell you a story." It would have entirely removed any sense of urgency, although I'd have preferred the revelation to have been worked in

As ever, this is a well argued article about the show for those of us who have read the books as well. However, I will demur slightly from the author's feelings towards the show and do so hopefully without being spoilery.

Superb. I want one.

Jon Snow… Crows before Ho's.

Because people forget that both episodes were made long before anyone saw them, hence the response to the Sept scene could not be factored into the following episode.