
I think someone takes themselves a little too seriously...

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

It bums me out that FCA are the only people to make/sell a reasonably priced, big RWD sedan in the US.

Hey, this is America. Youre free to make a lot of stupid decisions. Youre even free to express how proud and unremorseful you are of those stupid, f#cking decisions. USA! USA! USA!

(and yet another) Trump-bashing article

wait until he learns that the Germans tore down a Russian-built wall

These shenanigans could probably all have been avoided if Germany didn’t export his grandparents lol

As a person who votes against their own self-interest routinely, this article makes me irrationally angry. The liberal media (any news outlet who uses cogent reasoning to disprove a white American’s misplaced anger) was never this harsh to Obama. You are still upset about Hillary’s loss. Excuse me while I finish

He’s an idiot and has no idea how trade, or hell the government period works. Him and his supporters from what I’ve read, see it as more of “the Germans sell a lot of cars here, but American brands don’t really sell in Germany”. That’s bad and one sided to them. All the while forgetting that Germans think American

But I neeeed a 66-passenger vehicle! We might have another kid!

In recent years, the chance of death in a crash involving a small car has been greater than a crash involving a larger one or an SUV

Well, it does have rechargeable batteries like a Dustbuster, so there’s that!

The most embarrassing thing about this is that the teacher couldn’t even stereotype people correctly.

It’s almost as though people feel more free to let the ugliness inside them out when an authority figure they respect/relate to is installed in the highest office in the land.

This is the newly Great America, where white folks can do (assault reporters) and say (tell a 13 year old you think she’s destined to be homeless) yet a black woman is arrested by the police for not apologizing to a white man (Miss Black Texas).

“...other students were given awards such as “most likely to be homeless,” and “most likely to cry for every little thing.”

Third gear: