Iggy Azalea has reassured her fans that she is “not dead” in the physical sense and that she’s retitled her delayed…
Iggy Azalea has reassured her fans that she is “not dead” in the physical sense and that she’s retitled her delayed…
There’s a word, and it’s quite short, for how the vast majority of information in this world is conveyed: Said. A…
As more and more women spoke out saying they, too, had been drugged and then sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby, one…
Aaron Hernandez—convicted of murdering Odin Lloyd, charged but not guilty of murdering Safiro Furtado and Daniel de…
Alyssa Labrie first posted on Facebook privately over the weekend, saying New England Sports Network anchor Marc…
Having gotten all the public relations it wanted (even a hackneyed Sports Illustrated cover), NFL leadership is now…
When I was about ten years old, my brother Mike introduced me to my favorite game, a JRPG for the PS2 called Radiata…
Nintendo has a longstanding poor reputation with the YouTube community, and the latest change to their Nintendo…
In the past, I’ve thought a little about making a game, but never got around to learning actual coding. Recently,…
On any given day, CEO André Thomas arrives at his company Triseum’s office in Bryan, Texas at nine in the morning.…
On Tuesday, President Trump and his administration announced that they would end the DACA program which allows…
The 2017 Ford GT is, without question, a tremendous marvel of an exotic supercar, pushing the envelope in…
The time has come: today is my final day as a regular contributor to Jalopnik. From this moment on, you’ll be able…
Hello, good people of Jalopnik, and welcome to this week’s version of Letters to Doug, wherein you send me letters –…
Have you ever gotten one of these official-looking warranty expiration notices?
This is Letters to Doug, your favorite weekly column wherein you write letters and I answer them with some…
Ladies and gentlemen, my Aston Martin and I have returned from our 1,600-mile journey into the Maine wilderness. It…
Hello, humans of Jalopnik, and welcome to your weekly dose of Letters to Doug, everyone’s favorite column wherein…
In approximately four hours, I’ll be leaving on a long road trip to drive my Aston Martin into the Maine wilderness…
A few weeks ago, a friend and Jalopnik reader—I’ll call him “Dave,” because that’s his name—got a new Jaguar F-Type…