Sideways the Seven

Duh, he can afford to buy all those watches because he doesn’t have a car!

Love it. It’s a strong Metal Slug vibe.

Had one, a 2003. Loved it!

LOL! I always just tell myself it’s cool that me and my 1 kid use my Suburban daily because it’s a 1987, I got it for $3000, and I’ve had it forever. I didn’t go out and buy a new one to do that.

You’re correct, thank you. I’ve since watched a deep-dive and found this to be not only impressive, but a good move by Toyota. I like the idea of a manual-only car but the appeal of a good auto in the same car cannot be understated. Cars like the M2 where both are available generally shows the availability of an

Smaht. Especially modified or tuner versions.

Now that’s funny.

The single-clutch auto was a great idea. I suspect the Corolla will be getting it soon.

All that performance is great, as it the rarity etc etc. Unfortunately, as we all know, whomever buys this thing is not going to drive it with anything even remotely resembling regularity. Kind of makes all that talk of performance moot.

I have it in my 2018 540i and I literally use it every time I get on the highway for more than 1-2 exits. Same goes for massage seats so it’s like this same 3-button sequence each time I go on an extended drive.

Someone sell me a ‘68 Charger with a 100-inch wheelbase.

I dug a bit deeper on the search and was about to locate both the driver’s side and passenger side in stock, albeit from 2 different sellers. They’re out there.

Wouldn’t need luck. This took .38 seconds, according to Google.

Lifehacker too.

Yep, this is one of the few places that fully acknowledges that pedestrians do not have the right of way unless they’re in a crosswalk. They’ll get him for drunk driving and tag some BS manslaughter charge on it.

Yeah, so, I live about 20 minutes from where the crash would’ve occurred and unless someone brought a deer with them in the back of their vehicle and dropped it in the road, he knew it wasn’t a deer. What there are by I-30 and Cockrell Hill are a lot of panhandlers and/or homeless people walking around.

This just reminds me of how good Lucid is.

Nissan had them first. They went to Toyota.

One thing the new design does is solidify the Forester as an SUV. For years the Forester always came across as more of a tall wagon

What I have (2018 540i M-Sport)