SidewaysOnDirt still misses Bowie

You seem to be failing to realise that Uber is whole orders of magnitude safer than general cabs, from this point of view. It doesn't begin to come close. Reporting only on the very rare Uber incidents gives every appearance of bias.

Everyone involved sounds like a maniac.

Google it. Cab attacks are very common. And attacks on public transport such as night-buses are obviously far more common, because then you're looking at all the other passengers, not just the drivers.

Uber has assaulted and defrauded 8 billion people!!1!

Fascinating. I'd love to see where you got that figure from.

Get out of here, taxi shill.

"Hundreds of passengers" that is simply a lie.

Of course not. Ubers are safer than cabs, from this perspective - and overwhelmingly safer than public transport (which is relevant in places that's actually an alternative) or walking home alone.

How much does the cab industry pay shills, out of interest? If the money's good, I might be interested in signing up. It's not like I could be worse at it than you.

You do realise that cab-driver attacks are fairly common, right? If you paid as much attention to those as to uber-driver attacks, you'd have posted many stories about them since the last Uber attack.

While it is upsetting to see this happen to anyone from any source, this is sort of like trumpeting a Tesla on fire, when many other car brands catch fire a lot more. It's just a popular topic now. Over 1 million results on "Cab Driver" rape.

I'm not sure how this is necessarily Uber's fault. Replace "Uber" with literally any other business and it makes no difference.

The great thing about mid-engined supercars is that they carry most of their important bits behind the seats, so unless you manage to crack their carbon fiber tub, they remain fixable. Let's hope this Chinese example is a survivor, too.

Really? I have no idea who that works. I did not even know Guam had cars.

Steve - I have a friend who is nuts, drives with a lead foot, and fights every ticket. He has had tickets dismissed for the cop not showing up, getting the paint color of his car wrong (which I couldn't believe), and a variety of other issues. He has also had fines increased by the court and has just under the number

— said no one ever.

Yes. The courts are huge profit-centers for most municipalities. Another story for another day.

1 million hp, 2mi wide tires, bunch of plastic, religious brazilian the flash that brazilians used to say was gay because who the hell knows.