Justin Force

Yes. That’s how exclusives work. Whether it’s Epic or Microsoft or Nintendo, exclusivity is awarded in exchange for money. Video games are expensive. The people who make and market them need and deserve to be paid. Sometimes you have to take the funding you can get because the alternative is no money, no finished

Came to the comments to write

$24 million is a lot to a small team. Most development costs are salaries. Smaller companies are cheaper. Marketing is probably still expensive. My 2¢ as a software engineer. 🤷‍♂️

I use the Switch Pro Controller. I dusted off my original GameCube controller to try it out, and I hate it. I only had a couple GC games, and Smash Bros wasn’t one of them. I have no nostalgia for the GC controller, and it’s always been one of my least liked controllers of all time. I don't understand the appeal.

> Isn’t it possible to “decide for yourself what you consider cannon”

> You shouldn’t need a third-party app to find something worth watching on a “service” that’s supposed to be about showing you things you want to watch.

Gee, Chuckles, maybe you could see what your family is up to instead of piddling on other people’s good time. 👌

I’m a software engineer. I think this observation is a little off base. Brian Fox made bash and worked on FSF software. It’s not that he worked on it and now doesn’t use it. I’m sure he uses plenty of GNU and FSF software without using a GNU-based OS. Really, OS is a preference. I’ve used a Linux desktop since 2002

Can you please consider using HTML5 video with degradation to GIF instead of GIF? This page must be over 100MB, and the captures look rough due to the limited frame rate, color palette, and “reasonable” file size limits. I bet at least half your traffic is on mobile devices. Thank you!

ConEmu is great. Console2 won’t launch C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe. I don’t know why. I couldn’t make it happen. Maybe it’s 32-bit and bash.exe is 64-bit despite being in system32? Aaaaanyway, ConEmu works GREAT with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows on Windows 10. Remember to export TERM=xterm-256color if you’re using bash.

Smooth as butter for me with i7/970/16GB/win10 at high detail at 1080p. Had a few stutters early on (probably the fabled shader caching), but it hasn’t given me a single problem.