
@pettiblay: OK, so he is stupid? Sorry bout your banhammer... Sounds strange though as I've called people idiots before (maybe it was your crude use of 'retard')

@pettiblay: I took the phone out of the toilet, and let it sit in rice for a few days. It either a) fixed itself or b) I bought a new one. Take your choice.

@pettiblay: Wait what? You're not standing up for this kid now are you? The line was crossed as soon as fire was put under a mattress. Welcome to stupidity.

@kernelRiot: That's a really valid point... Come on down here and explain yourself Jesus!

Multople broken bones!? Sounds serious!

@BrknPheonix: I was just being a dick, check the other more constructive comments :)

@versii: I tried it once... after that I knew better then to try with the jeans.

Wait wait wait... you're supposed to wash jeans? I thought they were like kittens...

@ilos: Ahhh Gizmodo.

@The Rural Juror: I'd like to redeem my points immediately for the whiffle ball set.

@zenneth: This "countdown" likely didn't boost app sales at all.

Haha cute, anyone noticed the new Google article that links to this one used the same image?

I don't like it. Cool concept nonetheless.

@CodyChat: I like the quote - reminds me of urban dictionary.