
@popcorn that pops: And yet there's a solid chance you've used a phone running Symbian.

@Klappstuhl: Google can help you with that too!

@hahnchen: Oh... That seems a little stupid... Apple already faced that problem and resolved it. Maybe though?

Sick pic.

@Matt Linder: Why do you need to look at the volume of total users? They're talking about data usage specific to hardware not network.

@Purdueable: They're pretty much out of excuses and have moved on to actually trying to fix their network.

@Joe Geronimo: You feel like shit from your TemperPedic?! Link to the mattress in question?

@BoscoH: I'm afraid you don't...

@budice4ever: Sometimes it's quite helpful because some issues truly are fully Apple-centric and some are more widespread (light leakage and antenna attenuation are two examples).

@weinerschnitzelboy: I think the article is talking about light leakage through the actual white paint itself not on the edges due to insufficient sealing.

@Ryanraven: Your reps must be misinformed. The yellowing issue regarding the iPhone 4 launch was reported to be due to undried residue left over from manufacturing and clears up on its own in a few days.

@Jeb_Hoge: Only a matter of time now right?

@MazdaMania: What's your point? Cars are more complicated than iPhones?