
@CaptainSpoon: I must be getting old as well, im 23 and I thought it was tactless myself.

@Bramsey89: I cuss like a sailor, and I could not agree more. I guess I shouldn't have such high expectations for a blog. Especially after Joel Johnson's rant.

@mikeclark1982: Its sad how often I say that in my regular life.

@exsea: Iwata? Is that you?

Im sick and tired of this Polar Bear/Human double standard.

Shouldnt the appropriate caption for the 1st picture be Fa-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra?

@doeman: Can't we just leave it out?

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Ive heard that the wireless mics have lots of problems. I was considering buying one, but for every good review I read there were 2 bad ones. Plus if youre not happy with the Microsoft branded one I cant imagine their wireless one being any louder. But these are all from reviews ive checked out, and

@gigawings: Absolutely, you dont typically see cosplay of this detail outside of the realm of obscure-yet-generic-androgynous anime character.

@b-radicate: And once he wears it in such a fashion it will cease to be a douche scarf. Not that it matters to me what he wears, im just calling a spade a spade.

So stoked. Not even the douche scarf they tacked on him can curb my excitement.

Finally someone cosplaying something thats worth a damn. Bravo.

Can I time travel to when I was 13 and found Family Guy funny?

@TnOdyssey001: Doubt it, typically the international chains all follow the same protocol.

WOO! USA #1! Youll have to do better than that if you want to out-cheat us Japan.

Oh yeah? Well Gotham City had an R. Kelly song about it. Check and Mate.

@simply_androoo: I disagree, but surely we can all agree Gen 3 is the worst.

Lets fuck up some AT-ATs.

Nintendo ALWAYS releases the exact color I want when the systems already outdated.

Even if that guy didn't do anything, just look at him. They would have to have superhuman strength to resist writing "Fuck You" on this doucher's receipt. And everyone knows superhumans don't work at Burger King.