

YES!!! After the first nurse couldn’t insert the IUD, she asked if it was ok if she brought in another lady professional. (it was.) After she couldn’t get it in, they asked if I was ok with the arm implant. YES.

Someone send this to the republican candidates that are excluded from the next debate!

Wow. All the hugs. I’m sorry your boyfriend is being so terrible. Take care of yourself.

I tried having an IUD implanted, but my cervix was too tight. (That’s apparently pretty common if you haven’t had kids.)

Love and luck!

IDGAF about Valentine’s day. That said, I’m single. My recently married coworker asked me about my plans, (and if they involved a dimly lit bar.)


Well... I’m currently drinking a spicy pineapple margarita I made, but will probably switch to an Avery White Rascal soon. Or maybe something else? Not sure.

Pretty sure some poor Jez writer (or intern?) is required to follow it. I’m confident they will update us, (although I am filled with pity.)

It’s ok! I like you! I fairly recently commented on a Jessica Jones article, thinking about women, and not considering black people’s stories being told. (Cage.) I was admonished, gently. It was great. It reminded me to check my privilege. I think you are consistently a great commenter. :-)

As much as I normally enjoy your comments, reading you explain about tannins and how heat affects wine to an adult.... Idk. Not necessary.

Starring only for the koi pond bit.

Carly fiorina will certainly parrot it. Ugh.

So.... Rich, white (c’mon, is there any chance that any POC will have a major role? I’d like to be optimistic, but...) teens that are manipulative, have lots of sex, so drugs, etc? So... Gossip Girl? Eh. I won’t be watching, but I’m not the target market.

I’m no fan of the draft, and glad we’ve managed with an all volunteer military since Vietnam, but. I think women should absolutely register for the selective service. And I hate to think of *anyone* being forced into military service.

Can everything stop being the worst, please?

Yeah, I can’t vouch for the veracity of this, but. If true. Actually, Fuck it, the NFL has such a problem. Maybe I’ll just watch the commercials on YouTube.

Apparently, the Broncos have the most domestic violence arrests in the league, and the 2nd most DUIs. If this is right. Fuck the Broncos.

Which team has the fewest rapists/abusers?