
And we shall keep them in these “camps” until we come up with some end all solution to deal with the issue completely of our own making.  

Papaya Pol Pot is THE BEST new moniker for that POS I’ve heard since 2016. Cheeto Voldemort is my other favorite. 

See we’re not splitting families up anymore. We are securing all of them together. Concentrating the immigrant families in, let’s call them, camps! While we have them there we should put them to work so they aren’t draining our precious resources.... wait wait why are you calling me a Nazi? That's so mean!! I’m just

“It’s shameful that dems and the media exploited this photo of a little girl to push their agenda.”

I haven’t seen a Trump supporter that I couldn’t dance around in front of for ten minutes until they had a massive MI.

It would literally mean and achieve nothing of consequence. The divorce would be spun into a positive. She was holding him back. She was a filthy foreign immigrant who was just eye candy. She DID LESBIAN PORN FOR CHRIST SAKES. Trump was just being a good man to her and did everything to make her happy and keep the

She probably knew he was a snake, but no way in hell did she know he was going to get elected president before she married him. She was probably just expecting to be the trophy wife of some old, rich guy who sometimes was on tv and have to deal with his shit in front of whatever (relatively) little publicity he could

Well being dyke I have a great fondness and indeed love for cunts; but this that woman is the walking epitome of a thundering cunt which is a creature of a very different stripe.

And yes I do feel sorry for Barron. He truly does seem very sweet. But Ivanka...well, I’ve been saying for months that some day probably not

Chest in, shoulders straight, face in a minor scowl and looking ever so slightly downward upon them. With the right hand raise a glove held by its mid point to just below the left shoulder. Exhale disapprovingly as you bring the glove to bare just above the offending jawline, follow through.

Is she wearing some kind of big thing on her head, or is that part of the car?