
You would have to be a fool not to take government grants and tax incentives if you’re in the movie business. That’s how movies get made. Ultimately his movies still generate revenue and employ people, even if they are shitty movies.

What? Say what you want about Zack Snyder but if there’s anything he doesn’t do is “generic superhero movies”. You have the MCU for that

You clearly haven’t played this game.

Shadow of Mordor and this sequel both look like great games, and the nemesis AI system is an amazing innovation. But I hate the developers take on Tolkien. Their lore sums up everything that’s lazy, stereotypical and juvenile about games. Talion, the ultra bad ass with glowing eyes returns and this time he’s got his

Because caring about canon in what is obviously a non-canon game is stupid?

Aww sweetie, you must be new to this site. This article wasn’t a joke, it was completely serious. This site has been shit for a while and it became so bad that they demoted it to being a subsite to Gizmodo, another site that has been shitty for a while. I’m from when this site was actually good and had decent

It’s seen as whining because she consistently takes digs across all her articles.

You know what else might nudge these fuckers towards basic human decency? Unfriend them. Becky from high school doesn’t give a shit about you except as Facebook-prestige. She’s not your friend. Ditch her. Ditch all of them. Fuckit, delete your account, and stop being product for Facebook to sell off to targeted-ad

We gonna get another report from Germain on Force Friday II about how an adult man is sad he can’t get the Star Wars toys he wanted? Can’t wait!

You seem to be unclear on what the word “fact” means.

okay but like this one is spun off from a product explicitly marketed to 10 year old boys

Unsurprising considering the Fire Emblem fanbase is notorious for rage-quitting when a character dies in Classic mode despite their abhorrence to playing on Casual

or you know play the game with what you have and have fun

Yes. John Hurt was a great actor and I’ll miss any new roles. But he was 77. People just don’t last forever.

There was nothing redeeming about the original that calls for a sequel. It was pretty bad.

WoW Drama.

She doesn’t wear skin-tight clothes to work in the arctic-cold climates. Her uniform is at least 2-inches thick. Have you ever seen what Eskimos wear? I hope you don’t assume that their 2-3 inch thick clothes to be what their bodyline is supposed to be.

tumblr projection.

People usually care more about stuff that directly impacts them. Since you are asking people to support causes that do not directly impact them, I can only hope you are involved in various causes that have nothing to do with your identity. It would be extremely hypocritical otherwise.

I was introduced to Gigi in a terrible Kendall Jenner video where they covered their eyes and fed each other different foods which young adults should know but they did not. Like snap-peas.