
Not everything needs to appeal to everyone.

It looks so rote and paint by numbers and such a shameless rip off of Alien, ugh.

Oof, how many females does it need for you to redirect your misplaced energy onto something that matters?

It’s almost as if the movie is... also aimed at children....

What was “hilarious” about that?

You felt compelled to write a comment about an article you didn’t read? Apparently you thought it was worthy enough for that effort which just makes it all the sadder.... and weirder. Autism?

Gamers are notorious for sucking the fun out of games. Just look at competitive Smash Brothers tournaments...

It’s such a shameless Alien ripoff, it even stole some of the sound effects from the Prometheus trailer.

James Spader was ridiculously hot in that movie, and I say that as a person who has never found him attractive in anything else.

Anderson is awful, get some taste.

People are gross.

Do you often measure the worth of a year by celebrity deaths? Did you not think any celebrities where going to die in 2017? Are we going to be crassly meme-ifying the passing of human life this year?

They’re awful.

“It made sense”

You’re trying to condescend to people about a cheesy looking comic book c-list villain with a robotic claw hand. Just think about that for a minute.

Especially when you read really shitty ones like Cursed Child.

A summary of the events of The Force Awakens.

Rey being a Kenobi is just the kind of theory I’d expect from Star Wars fans. Such a weirdly unimaginative fanbase.

First world problems bro.
