straight salary dump. It’s a terrible return which had to be done in order to get out from under a terrible FA signing.
This is #good, Barry.
“US soccer will never be good!”
ahh, yeah. Context always helps.
Though it’s possible that’s what he was getting at, and I’d agree that would be shitty, I don’t think it’s inherently misogynistic to say the author of this piece exhibited a general lack of knowledge about baseball, given that ...
Nah, it’s not that. Nobody trashes the Hawks more than Hawks fans. It’s that Burneko’s analysis is both overly simplistic and presented in a grating tone.
love to be repeatedly told how bad (Albert thinks) Paul Millsap is because nobody on the Wizards can guard him without fouling
love to be repeatedly told how bad Paul Millsap is because nobody on the Wizards can guard him without fouling
holy shit, this is bad
truly a shocking turn of events
so far my favorite parts of the series have been, in order
methinks Albert is mad, online
This is one of the (many) reasons I hated watching Paul Pierce. Endless pump fakes, with the desired end game being diving headlong into the defender’s outstretched arms to draw a cheap foul.
Atlanta sports fan here, just wanted to say, that while I hate the Wizards and Nats, I really empathize with DC sports fans when it comes to their Caps.
We know the feeling, bros. Let’s hug it out.
my point is you were being generous calling this a work of journalism
except this is not an article, it is a blog post parroting someone else’s reporting
Yeah. Something something die a hero or live long enough to become the villain
you know the Red Sox are now viewed by the other fanbases as being just like the Yankees, right?
I’m more outraged that Hoffman is getting as many votes as he is than I am that Wagner is getting so few, but I agree Hoff and Wags should be getting roughly the same number of votes.
Neither should be anywhere close, IMO.