Sid and Financy

For so many people to have let him slide for so many years when he almost certainly raped his child, is all the more confounding when you consider the well-known fact that he had an affair with and married what was ostensibly his other minor child. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ. Does he have to show you a video to get

Thank you, I’m going to drink ten of these tonight

Can’t figure out why my Doritos smell like Cool Ranch diapers.

I aggree, but the spare would probably not sick out more than the side mirror. As a left hander I choose to believe things are build for the ease of right handers. did Japanese SUVs swing left or right when built for japan? Isuzu trooper tailgates swung left?

I’m not even a truck guy but for some reason the idea of a base two-door Bronco with a manual is really getting me excited.

Long hauls typically require a big truck. ;)

I’m sticking around for the long haul. You can’t get rid of me that easily.

Look, I get it, some of you guys think that cars are killing the planet,

No, pretty much anyone who has scientific knowledge in this area agrees that cars are killing the planet. Don’t try to downplay it because it doesn’t align with your view that you need a monster truck to get to work.

I absolutely can and absolutely will complain about 18 mpg. That is truly unacceptable.

We’re dying out here, bro.

All for some good hard mall parking

Come on now. There is no way that Bret Michaels can know everything he’s got.

dogshit viewing angles

Exactly. The cumulative effect of replacing all cars with suvs and trucks has a whole slew of negative side effects.

You are right and you should say it.

They will just roll it into the financing anyway, what's another 20 bucks a month for the next 8 years?

Maybe the tax could be based on trim levels. Don't want to pay it? That'll help you save more money by requiring things like a vinyl floor, roll-up windows, a fleet engine, etc.

Until the EPA stops giving trucks an exemption in fuel economy / gas guzzler taxes, this won’t change. If people want to buy a 4-door do-everything pickup, fine... but you shouldn’t get an exemption just ‘cause it *might* be used for some semblance of work.
If a CTS-V wagon had to pay a gas guzzler tax, so should a

Seems like an okay deal, but the idea that someone would buy this and then change things like “lightening the cabinetry” is nonsense. This isn’t a bus you buy to change everything -- this is the bus you buy to use until most of it breaks and then sell or overhaul it.

Those miles are almost certainly largely highway.  Nice price.