Pastor of Muppets

Today, I learned that Mitsubishi still sells cars.

Who cares? Very clearly Tesla cared since they invented the story ...

Cybertruck owner has a cannabis business. That tracks. What doesn’t track is that he likes to be different but is also shy, and those three facts don’t jibe. He thought he was gonna be king bro with a CT and is disappointed by the harsh reality of the many people with eyes that see in his city, and who instinctually re

I’ll be there first to make fun of people who buy the CT, but I think there’s no reason to be angry at or spit on someone’s car. It’s a fucking car, it didn’t bully you in high school or something. 

Brake checking this weighty behemoth that was built with no crumple zones is certainly a choice.

Saw one in the Costco parking lot yesterday. They look so much worse in person. 

Elmo using advert budget to line his pockets with buku bucks that he doesn’t deserve is the metaphorical equivalent to burning down the furniture in a house to heat it.

The City of Seaside where you can’t have your boat on your driveway. Seaside

Yup nothing makes a white guy angry like them being treated like they treat a non white guy. It is instructive.

The amount of discretionary police power given to CBP in that rather arbitrary 100 miles from the border limit is frightening. I live close to the border in Washington, and things here tend to be pretty mellow compared to other places, but the presence is always felt, and I’m told that folks in the Latino community

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I am failing to see how the cop did not do *exactly* the right thing here. If moron was going too fast to stop in time to not hit a very plainly visible cop car, he was going too fast to not hit a pedestrian. Not like he came around a blind corner and there was the cop.

Two parties in the wrong you say?

If you were going too fast to avoid a stopped car, you were going too fast to avoid a pedestrian. I’m good with this one.

I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

Careful how you answer the question, since it’ll determine whether you go through life in an OK financial situation, or always skirting bankruptcy.

As with all aftermarket items, you need to use your common sense and the Internet to judge how safe it is.

Oh I can’t wait for all the “we road rear facing as kids in xyz old car, back in the ancient past and survived” survivor bias stuff in the comments.

Ah, here I was thinking it was “go fascist, go racist, then beg govt for assist”