Link missing?
Link missing?
Do you have legs?
I’m so glad my honda doesn’t even know enough to tell AM from PM, let alone the date
Lol, I thought it was KN and thought, “that can’t possibly be a Koeniggggsenisseggsegnignigsegigisegccx2"
Maybe if someone installed them already
I got a positive test during a job application out of high school. I ate half a poppy seed roll before the test, and they accepted my explanation and let me take another to get a clean test. I was a brown skinned 18 year old boy in a very conservative suburb of Chicago, and they gave me the benefit of the doubt.
Oh shit, I forgot about Dre being down there... And we were warned and everything
Look up the first Donkey Kong Country. That blew my mind first.
For better or for worse, probably not in court
But on the upside, cyclists will be a little safer while he’s inside. And other coal rolling douchebags might think twice if precedent is set that they’ll go to prison if they hit someone. If he goes free, I bet it happens again within a month.
I grew up in Naperville. I think there’s was one black girl and a few other brown boys in my class in elementary school. It’s an astonishingly white town for being so close to Chicago.
I think an apology implies guilt, so no chance of that before they see the inside of a court.
For all his faults, rising to the position of Lt. Governor is damned impressive for a bowling ball with a goatee drawn on it
not yet
“So he can kill again, and again?”
Some OEMs like Subaru, Jeep, and Honda appear to be shifting back toward thinner pillars, lower belt lines, etc.
Never apologize for being a Svengoolie fan
Also an engineer. Personally, I find mechanical watches interesting in the same way I do with Rube Goldberg machines. It’s not about the performance or precision, it’s about the complexity that somehow doesn’t totally ruin performance.
I wonder what Techno Viking is up to these days
Wait, does payload refer to all weight in cab and bed or just bed? I assumed the latter, perhaps erroneously