Well then, at least two of them should be mentioned above
Is it just me, or does it look like his head is trying to escape his body in the top pic?
No mention of lemmings? Is it not a part of this archive?
I get no sound if I full-screen the video. It’s not muted. Sound is fine when left embedded and comes back if you go back from full screen. Anyone else have that happen? Chrome on Android
I feared I was the only one
Do you really think every small town within 30-40 minutes of a big city is on a train line?
A bigger house is just a bigger target. You want a hobbit hole, the truck will go over it
Every once in a while I get grief from my American friends for not having my wedding in India, so they’d have had the excuse to go there. Obviously I didn't think it was a good idea, but consider that it might not be as cut and dry as you think
Yeah.."like" a really dumb person
If you watch the replays, you’ll clearly see how far forward the GK gets when he dives. He’s already angled to put any rebound back towards the middle of the field, and since the ball isn’t wide of him when he blocks it, he isn’t able to push it wide. Diving forward is by design, as it cuts down the angle quicker.…
The 08 Lions should crack open some champagne when they join them in futility
That costs extra
Maybe they figured the sooner they spent it and returned their balance to normal the better off they’d be, to avoid detection
Maybe they went the backblaze route?
A light every time I'm about to shift strikes me as quite annoying