A light every time I'm about to shift strikes me as quite annoying
A light every time I'm about to shift strikes me as quite annoying
The best party of this is that anyone that supports the MLS position that”anti-facism” is political and divisive, is also heavily implying that fascist is one of the sides...
On a related note, if presented with pictures of the last 2 or 3 Popes, who among us could pick out the current one? I argue that that disqualifies the Pope. If he walked past me in plainclothes he'd just be some old guy. Michael Jackson, Jordan, various Beatles, etc. Dress them up however and they'll still get…
I am when it comes to cars. My need for speed is sated by my bike. My car just needs to get me from A to B, carry my crap, and do so with as little fuel burned as possible. Well, and be a manual, because I’m not a complete robot.
Personally, I think I’d relish the opportunity to rip into him in person
Not how...WHY?
I always ask for a rinse afterwards. Dramatically reduces the amount of stray hair bits
Out of curiosity, how old are you? I’m 37 and I’d take a restomod c3 in a heartbeat. I consider Grandpa cars to be Cadillacs and Lincolns
By and large, both were exercises controlled at their very top by Penis-Americans who were so white that they barely cast a shadow.
If they want people to care about baseball players they should start by making baseball interesting
That’s no less horrifying
How exactly do you define “tools not normally found in a residence?”
No, I heard it there first
Can they have kids? Science figure that out yet?
How does this claim to work?
if it meant finding out covfefe is an actual thing....well now my curiosity is piqued
If you fumigate, won't you then have to deal with the stench of dead rodents in places you can't reach?
I fail to see how this removed any hair from anyone